Mr. Perfect

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(Mr Wood in the above picture)

Oh noo

I guess my heart have stopped for a while...
I must be dreaming...
Such a guy is only found in fairytales
I was mesmerized and speechless.
He is sitting on his desk busy with some paperwork... His brown hair is perfectly fixed.. Wearing a suit which is tight enough to see his perfect muscles.. I'm sure he has 6 packs down there...
Now i understand why all the girls are perfectly dressed they must have a crush on him... All of them.

"Sofia are you alright?" Kate asked making me realize that I have been staring...
"Mrs Gorg welcome to our company" Mr. Wood welcomed me barely lifting his head from the papers
"Ummm It's Greg and thank you it's an honor to be here." I responded
"Have a good day" was all he said..

I spent the rest of the day thinking about this angle that i met earlier he's so hottt with that mysterious look and..
Oh look at me thinking about my boss
Where did all the "concentrate only on work" go?
Trying to change the topic i thought of what should i do this afternoon.
I need to get to know the city..
Jenn was my best friend she moved to this city a year ago
We were sooo existed that we'll be close again..
So i called her
"Heyy" i said
"Hello clumsy"
"So how's work??"
"Fine i guess I'll be done at 3 today wanna show me around??"
"Yeah sure how mutch will you pay me for that??"
Ughh sometimes just i wonder why i am her friend
"I'll buy you dinner"
"See you at 3"...

It's time to leave now i packed my stuff and headed towards the elevator.
After some floors the elevator stopped and guess who was it??

Yeah you're right Mr Wood

What do i do now??
Suree I'll stand awkwardly and make a fool out of myself...
Like there is any other coice

He looked at me and said
"do you work here?"
Now I'm dead
I was searching for my voice but didn't find it
What is he doing to me???
I finally answered "y..yes we.. me and Kate.. we passed by your office today"
"Oh Mrs Grog yeah i remember"
I wanted to correct my name but i realized that he didn't really care

Why is this building soo long??
It seems like more floors are coming out of nowhere...

Then i caught him checking me out..

No not in a good way he had the look of disgust on his face

Oh boy..
Andd we reached the bottom and i quickly chugged out of the elevator to catch my breath..

Jenn was waiting in her car parked beside the building
"Why are you sweaty?"
"Did you see the guy who has just left?"
"Yeah he's hot"
"Well that's my boss"
"Whaatt you have this man as your boss and you look like this??!!"
"I wanted them to know that I'm serious"
"Please just shut up"
"I'm starving lets go eat" i said
"Noo we're not going anywhere before you have a total makeover"
"What?? Noo i.."
"I'm the driver so we will go where I want and first we're going to a salon"

After hours of working and replacing my eyeglasses with contact lenses i was ready...

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