In the Shadowlands. Again.

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Grinning, Jasmine stepped through. Her eyes ceased the eery glow. And the plant decomposed itself into fine dirt, that blew away in the breeze. Not that the breeze was nice. It was more of an uncomfortable wind. The wind the Shadow Lord commanded which came in his own domain. Jasmine pushed herself ahead of the group and dropped to one knee, bowing her head.

"Master, I have brought your requested. And more. Their loved ones and their best friends." Jasmine had a malicious smile in her voice. One Lief shuddered at. One that he had heard many times before. Hardly had it been at him though, and was shocked at how powerful it really was. S'g beckoned and Lief, Barda, Rye, Sholto and Dirk were roughly pushed forward. They all stood their ground. Sholto was pushed to the ground with strong hands. Dirk and Barda were wrestled to the ground. It took five guards. Each. Jasmine seemed to find the whole situation amusing. Her companion, grinned at the three men on the ground. The partners casually walked towards Lief and Rye. Both stood defiantly. Both were mad. Angry. Furious. S'g kicked Rye hard in the back. But he grinned as she was repelled. She seemed even more furious than he was. Rye thanked himself for slipping the armour shell on before being bound. That was why he never complained. Why he never went against the Guards. It simply would've given it away. Lief just watched with a very solemn face. Rye saw a glint in the shadowy dimness of grey and red. He grasped his shoulder quickly and the razor-sharp blade was repelled. Grimacing about her small failure, Jasmine sheathed her saxe-knife.

"You dare damage him!" Bellowed a deep, deafening, bone-shivering voice.

"Why not?" Jasmine shouted, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Because he is mine!" Came the reply. "The King of Deltora. Young and reckless. Weak. Alone. He was one of the three who exiled me from Deltora! He will pay! You were also part of the three, Jasmine!"

"I couldn't have described him better myself. As for being part of the three, why, that means I have his trust. Why did you think it be so easy for me! Easier and more successful than Dain would ever be." Jasmine called into the dimness.

"Except he isn't reckless!" Rye shouted.

"Shut. Up!" S'g yelled, swinging a kick at his head. It was repelled. Again.

"I would've thought you'd learn!" Grinned Rye.

"And he is not weak. A weak Deltoran King, is one that has no faith from his people. No trust. No love. No strength. His people are with him to the end and will trust him with all their hearts!" Roared Barda, as if he was preaching to a crowd of unbelievers.

"And therefore I am not alone. Is that not right?" Lief turned an inclining gaze on Jasmine. She grumbled decisively. Lief then thought of the Deltoran monarchy. They always wore the Belt of Deltora. Or at least, were meant to. He was instantly glad that he left the Belt with Marilen.

"But where is the other copperhead! The girl from Weld. My-" The voice seemed hesitant.

"Your brother's city? Why she has been long dead!" Jasmine called.

"By your doing I would assume." But Jasmine said nothing.

"S'geon'geigea! Take those prisoners," The voice seemed to point out the group behind the five men separated from them. "And take them take to the dungeons with the Elamefs!"

"Elamefs! You heard the Master! Round up these puny people and take them!" S'g finally decided to speak the common tongue.

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