Welcome Home Pet

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Hell yeah free food you said finding scraps in a nearby garbage can "Meh..A little expired but it's something.." You said about to take a bite of the moldy food when out of nowhere You hear explosions from a block down the street *moments pass* you arrived in such short time due to your shapeshifting wolf form to a home in the shape of a hat? "Such a strange home.." You thought Only now to see a man Dressed in what you would call...A pimp? No no..ahh Classy yes." You thought seeing him walk on top of another man with a bag over his head. "Took you long enough" Said the one in the top hat walking back towards the entrance as the other yelped in pain..Your ears perked up as you heard a sound from above it was rocket headed towards the man on the floor You rushed toward him at the last second grabbing him gently with your teeth and getting him out the way

BlackHats POV
*explosion sound* ERGGH! Flug! Didn't I tell you to turn the damn security system off!? He turned around to see you holding flug in your mouth and walking towards the house's entrance dropping flug in front of blackhat as if he was a newspaper "Hmm interesting...Now that seems like a proper security system." He said grinning as you turned to leave he grabbed your tail and pushed you inside the home. "I can tell just by looking at you that your not a dog your a demon wolf..and guess what?" He locked the door and his voice grew deeper and his eyes became red "I'm in the mood to own a puppy.." You gulped.


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