Begining of Love and strength

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"So that's basically the sum of it." Flug said in happy tone towards you. "So...He's name is BlackHat and he lives in home in shape of a hat?" You said in recap of him filling you in. Flug stretched his arms "basically" he yawned his eyes looking tired. You both looked at the clock. "It's late I think the Dr.Flug needs his rest." You hopped off the desk and picked him up unexpectedly he became embarrassed. "N-No i-its okay!" He said hiding in your chest "I insist sir, it's the least I could do for you helping me and eheh ya know almost attacking you.." you softly smiled, He stroked your ears "It's okay, Ya know your only the second person to see my face." He said running his gloved fingers through your fluffy hair. You continued to walk with him towards the hall "Oh really? Who's the first?" You asked then stopped in your tracks seeing the answer in front of you. "That would be me puppy." He said with a grin which then fading seeing Flug. He said in a stern tone." And where are you too going?" Blackhat said in a disgusted tone. Your eyes sharpened a little. "I'm taking Dr.Flug to his room for the night." "I see, well get too it, Then come to my office when done before 11:30 no more unless you want to sleep outside." BlackHat said in a stern tone. You paused and spoke again. "Yes sir." You said looking at the clock, it was 11:24 as you walked past him, you could feel blackhat was giving Flug and you a cold stare but you sure as hell didn't give a damn He was sweet, and nice you haven't felt anything like that for a was never nice. *moments past* You arrived to Flugs room, You placed him down. "Thank you he walked in to his room with the door wide open as you stood in doorway Flug took notice and Pulled your hand gently "you can come in if you want." You smiled and closed his door. "I'm just gonna get into some dress clothes.." he grabbed some and walked into his bathroom. You walked towards the door "Hey Flug..umm I kinda don't have a room you mind if I just sleep in your room with you, like on the floor or something?" You heard water running "Sure i don't mind, he said their clothes in my closet in you want pajamas." He walked out the door wearing a blue striped pajamas with the bag still on. Your face turned red. "Ugh I kinda get hot ya know fur and stuff would it be okay if I just wore my shirt and boxers?" Flugs face turned bright red. "Y-yeah I don't mind not at all.." He said crawling in bed. "He then dramatically pointed to his alarm clock. "Y/N it's 11:29!!" You darted running on all fours in human mode to black hats office, You gasped "I...I'm here Boss" Blackhat face turned into a smirk looking at you up in down. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I was prepping for bed and-" "No need and by the way it's Master, after all your my pet." He said adjusting his gloved hand, smiling with those sharp teeth oh his grinning. "Anyway I was just letting you know that tomorrow night there's going to be a party and I expect a good show from you because if not You'll be sorry." He said in a sinister tone. His hands then quickly covered your mouth and his other caressed your nether regions. "MMFFF" you said shaking your head, but it was no use your going against a scary demon of your kind but more powerful. "Heheh someone's excited, good boy." Tears streamed down your face.
Sorry for the pause just ugh family visits and gathering and party's it's just been out of control plus it's 3:35 am uh haven't gotten sleep next chapter will be updated later on today

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