Chapter 5: The Great Escape

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The next morning, I was waiting for Bowser to pick me up. I was feeling very impatient and bored stiff of Peach's boring kingdom.

"Hey Daisy, you ok?" Said Luigi.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Luigi.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said.

I decided to spend the rest of the day doing my favourite things. I was wondering how to tell Mario and Luigi that I was going away, forever. They would miss me loads. Or, Luigi would. Mario probably wouldn't, he just uses me to pretend to love Luigi so Luigi won't love Peach.

I decided that now was the right time.

"Um, hey Luigi," I said.

"What is it Daisy?" He asked.

"You see, I'm moving away from the Mushroom Kingdom," I said.

"Do you still love me?" He asked.

"You see, that's the thing. I never did. I'm really sorry, Luigi," I said.

"Don't worry, Daisy. I never loved you either. I pretended to keep you happy. I only ever loved Peach," said Luigi.

What? So I've been through all this for nothing? Unfair!

A few hours later I saw a giant toad outside my castle. Must be Bowser, I thought. I went outside. The giant toad took me into a forest. In that forest I saw Bowser castle. The toad led me inside. Then the toad pulled his costume off. It was Bowser.

"Bowser!" I said.

"Hello Daisy. Well, we're going to start flying soon, so say bye to your beloved Mushroom kingdom! Said Bowser.

I giggled.

"Yeah! We're going to be free at last! Could things get any better?" I said.

I watched the Mushroom kingdom disappear from view, my old life disappearing and my new life beginning.

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