Chapter 17: Back in the Mushroom kingdom

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We stopped travelling after a while. We stood up and looked around. We were in Peach's castle.

"Was that a dream or was it real?" Asked Rosalina.

"It was real. Look, Alice is here, it must be real," Said Starlow.

"That was amazing!" Said Kamek.

Luigi was with us. He had totally changed, for the better too. 

"I never knew that Mario could be so evil," Luigi said.

"Uh, so what should we do then? The adventure's over," I said.

"We must rebuild Bowser castle. We can't live without a castle," said Kamek.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot all about Bowser castle!" I said.

Poor Bowser! His minions will take ages to rebuild it (they always do) and he'll be homeless for months! Not to mention all his poor minions, and the Koopa Kids!

"Don't worry. I have a plan," said Alice.

She found the empty spot where Bowser castle used to be. And then, something amazing happened. She made a new Bowser castle out of ice, special ice that doesn't melt.

"There," Alice said.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Said Bowser.

All of Bowser's minions began to enter. They were amazed at the new castle.

"This is so cool!" Starlow said.

"Wish my castle looked like this," said Peach.

"Wait. It can get better," said Bowser.

He led us to a room with ice crystals gleaming everywhere, casting rainbow coloured light all over the room. Then he kneeled down.

"Daisy, will you marry me?" He asked.

Oh my gosh! Wow! Finally! I'm going to marry Bowser!

"Yes!" I said.

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