"Flon... Flon... wake up. Flonnn.... "
Huh??? Sepa yang panggil sa ni?
"Flonn... open ur eyes."
Pelan2 sa buka mata. Sepa yang panggil sa tu?
Samar2 pandangan sa. Sa tinguk d sekeliling, sa d mana ni?
I'm in an empty room with me on a bed. A single bed. Where am I?
Mana suda tu orang yang panggil sa tadi?
Nah.. there it go again. Dari mana tu suara?
"Who is it? Show urself."
Pelan2 muncul 1 lady dari corner tu bilik.
"Who are you? Why are we here? And where is here?"
"I am you Flon. Can't u see it?" - Fantasy Flon
Ehh yakan.. diri sa sendri plak tu.
"Err... am I dead yet? Omaigoshhh... sa masuk heaven atau hell ni? Are u the grim reaper?"
Ni la ba kalo terlampau tinguk Goblin smpai trip2 ada grim reaper.
"Sot. No la. Let just say I'm the ghost of ur future past. Kira macam roh ko jalan2 la ba ni trus kita berjumpa smbil gugu galas." - Fantasy Flon
Ok, dat is so me. Haha... cool eh cakap sma diri sendri.
"Oh wow... slalu sa nampak d movie ja. Tau2 gini plak betul2 ah."
"Of coz its true. Ok, straight to the point. I'm here for a reason. And the reason is U." - Fantasy Flon
"Me? What do u mean ME?"
"I'm here to remind u wats been missing in ur life. Forgotten for 4 years to be exact. U need to recall what actually happen 4 years ago." - Fantasy Flon
"Okayyy... did something happen 4 years ago? I mean aside from the accident la."
"Think again. It happen before the accident. After u found out ur stupid ex boyfriend cheated on u." - Fantasy Flon
Brabis sa pkir. Apa yang jadi ah lepas c Bryan kedapatan berkamasutra sma slut dia.
Trus macam terflash back apa yang jadi lepas sa smpai d Karambunai.
* Bryan came and force me to take him back.
* Madoc came to the rescue.
* Minum2 sma Madoc malam tu. Get to know each other.
* Madoc antar sa smpai bilik then I kiss his cheek. But after I text him, menyesal ndak alang2 kiss trus d bibir, he came back and we kiss passionately that night.
* He ask me to spend the time with him during the whole time I'm in Karambunai.
* We went to Tip of Borneo, Kundasang then went cruising along the Gaya Island and end up staying at Gayana Eco Resort.
* We watch the most beautiful sunset view ever on his cruise.
* Malam terakhir kami di sana, Madoc bawa sa candle light dinner d cruise dia. Special performance by his friend, Isaac and his gf, Harper.
* I end up singing 'Sugar Pie Honey Crunch' with Madoc.
* After saying goodbye to Isaac and Harper, we celebrate our first night together by making love all night long.
And it was W.O.W
* Lepas kami ike2, tba2 c Bryan balik2 call sa gtau yang kereta sa kena curi. I was so panic. Smpai sanggup kami balik p Sutera Harbour (Madoc park kereta dia sana).
* From there it all ended. Kalo sa ndak silap, kami kena langgar ba dari belakang. I dunno who but I got the feeling yang sengaja tu orang langgar kami. And the initial M. I on the hand...
"Flonnn... are u ok?" - Fantasy Flon
Tersedar sa trus bila the other me panggil sa. Dan tanpa ku sedari, airmata ku jatuh bercucuran di pipi ku. (Len juga kan kalo sa kasi skema tul tu ayat sa.)
And yes, I'm crying. Camna sa bole lupa one of the best memories in my life.
My gadddd... Madocccc...
"Is it true? What are those I see just now? Is that wat u meant when u mention bout my memory 4 years ago? And Madoccc... we were lover? But how can dat possibly be? He never mention anything bout the incident."
"He's just like u Flon. He lost his memory. From the same accident. Both of u have been through a lot. It's time for u to remember Flon. Capat nah kw sadar sanah tu." - Fantasy Flon
"Madocccc... nooooooo..... I'm sorry B. I'm so sorry. Because of me, u lost ur memory. I'm so sorrryyyyyyyy. Huhuhu...."
Sakit nya hati sa. Kalo bukan sebab sa brabis bawa dia p check kereta sa malam tu, kami ndak akan accident. Sebab sa, kami accident. Sebab sa, kami dua hilang ingatan. Kalo kami ndak terjumpa d Karambunai aritu, bukan begini keadaan kami skrang.
This is all my fault!!!
"All of this happen for a reason Flon. Don't blame urself. It's time to change it. Do what you have to do. Make him remember and find the culprit who hit the car 4 years ago." - Fantasy Flon
Bulih ka sa buat suma tu? Will I remember everything once I wake up?
"I'm scared. Will I make it? Kalo sa ndak ingat nanti camna? Kalo ya pun sa ingat, then what if Madoc don't remember anything?"
"Then make him remember Flon. No matter how hard it is, keep on trying. All of this happen for a reason." - Fantasy Flon
Can I make him remember? What if he don't believe me?
"Don't give up Flon. I'm sure u will succeed. Whatever obstacle may come between u two later, always trust each other. Now, its time for u to wake up." - Fantasy Flon
"Flonnnn" - Sherina
"Omaigaddd... thank God ur awake." - Fletcher
Am I awake, for real?
"Whee... where am I?"
"We're at the hospital Flon. 2 hari suda ko ndak sedar. Risau betul suda kami ni." - Sherina
"2 hari?? What happen?"
"Oh no, takkan ko hilang ingatan? The bitch I believe whom they call Vivian hit ur head Flon." - Fletcher
Viviannn.. ah yes. The pundeh cari hal d ofis sa. Tonsilot punya pundeh. Dia pukul kepala sa smpai sa masuk hospital!!
And I did dream bout something after that.
My memory!! Madoc!!!
I remember now. Yes I remember now!
"Babi punya perempuan. Bagus sa tumbuk dia kuat2 tadi tu. Tba2 masuk tempat orang trus cari hal. Arghhh...." - Flecther
"Nasib polis suda tahan dia kan ton. Kalo ndak, memang sa aim tu nenen tiruan sma toto dia. Haishhh... sa belum puas tampar dia oh tadi." - Sherina
"Iya Flon. Polis suda tangkap dia tadi. Kami pun suda bagi statement. Tunggu ko sedar dlu baru polis amik statement ko." - Fletcher
"Anddd... ada 1 tanak wagu datang tadi Flon. Double OMG... tu tanak wagu very2 the hot ok! Punya panik dia tadi time dia baru smpai. He's with the police now. Because he say he know dat Vivian." - Sherina
It must be Madoc.
"I... i.. wanntt... to see him."
"He's....." - Fletcher
Pangggg.... tba2 tu pintu kena buka.
It's Madoc!!!
"B..." - Madoc
"B?" - Sherina & Fletcher
Mataiii... basar mata diorang 2 onton tinguk sa.
"This hottie call u B?" - Sherina
Bingung2 Madoc tinguk diorang. Tapi dia ndak peduli trus dia jalan p arah sa then he hug me tightly.
"I'm so worry about u." - Madoc
Anduuu... risau tul dia sama sa. But first, we need some privacy.
"Ehemmm... Sher.. Fletch... can u two give us some time alone please?"
"Anything for u B, eh silap.. bos. Ehhmhmhm" - Sherina & Fallon
Sengajaaa lagi ba pura2 salah cakap. Cis.. hahaha...
Trus diorang dua bertulak-tulak kuar dari sana. Sempat lagi ba diorang men mata sama sa sebelum kuar. Haha..
"B... how did u find out bout this?"
"U have know idea how panic I was when I found out bout this. Macam mau mati sa rasa. Arghhh... dat stupid bitch. How dare she lay her hand on u. I just came back from the station, suda me brabis explain the polices that Vivian is nobody to me. U know ka, bole2 she claim and tell the polices Im her husband. Badukang punya perempuan!!" - Madoc
Oh wow... hebat nya c pundeh.
"And bukan itu saja. She say you attack her first. Only a fool would trust a slut like her. She came cari pasal at ur place. Kalo me yang kena cakap gitu, I ampas her with meja kalo nampak dia limpas ja d depan. Haishhh... Im so angry with her. Because of her, u unconcious for 2 days. 2 days ba B. Arghhh..." - Madoc
Adehhh.. makin kuat Madoc peluk sa.
"Ermmm B, can u please let me go now? Kuat betul u peluk."
"Omaigoshhh.. Im sorry B. Did I hurt u?" - Madoc
Anduu.. brabis trus dia check2 badan sa. Dia nampak kepala sa berbalut trus dia cium dahi sa.
"I dont know what I would do if I loss u." - Madoc
The Kusai From My Past (The Kusai Series #2)
RomanceIs it possible Fallon and Madoc knew each other in the past? But what exactly happened between them? One accident changed it all and they were reunited again after 4 years. They could feel the tingle in their belly when they start knowing each other...