2: Eyes

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Long, muscular and tanned, I looked at my legs proudly while stretching the jersey material of my pants to cover my knees.

"Here have this" Dylan said handing me some glucose and water.

"Thanks" I replied with a huge smile on my face, sitting down on the grass.

"I did it Dy! I did it. I got the gold" I exclaimed while pulling him into a bone crushing hug!

"Damn girl you killed it and you're going to kill me if you don't stop hugging me!"

I rolled my eyes while poking him in the shoulder when

I heard a guy clear his throat as a pair of Cobalt Blue Adidas runners came into sight on the ground in front of me.

I secretively swooned at the beautiful shoes before I tilted my head and looked up into a pair of green.. no wait brownish eyes with a roof of perfect eyebrows.

I'm a rare specie who makes Shoe contact before Eye contact.

I failed to differentiate between the colours of his heterochromia iris when I realized that

'Oh snap! It's him – Dustin aka Al aka the guy who could cruise through a basket ball court dribbling at the speed of a Maserati. Didn't Talia point out to this guy a couple of weeks ago and rant about how he is the school's most popular dude who goes around with a poker face 90% of the time?

"Umm yea" I said, blinking twice

"You ran well, Congrats" he said before I could even say anything else.

Whaaaaat? Did he just say that? Isn't he like a stereotypical, egoistic jock? Did he just compliment me?

'Idiot! He is walking away! Say something!', my mind yelled

"Thanks" I replied, letting out the breath I'd been holding.

"You were good too! Congrats" I added quickly as he turned round to go

Thank God I said that. Don't want to sound like a conceited witch now? Do we?

He looked back at me, his two coloured eyes boring into my pale blue ones. Even though his eyes remained void of any expression a minuscule smile flashed before he turned away and walked away with the group.

I stared at his retreating figure trying to figure out if he was in one of my classes. Maybe he is. Guess he is not regular. Anyway, boys are the last thing on my mind. I shouldn't be bothered about him.

"Stop gawking Kiara"

I slapped Dy hard on his shoulder

What. Was. That? I asked him

"Well it was just a compliment, you know? You pretty much finished that race with a big lead. That girl could not overtake you" he said standing up and dusting his jeans while completely avoiding the real question directed at him.

"By the way you can stop holding you're breath" slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking away

"Oh please. Don't be delusional" , I called after him slightly smiling to myself. Usually, I would've chased my not-so-dear older cousin and given him a couple of knocks on his head but I decided to let it go.

What the hell? Why am I even smiling? I wasn't even holding my breath! Or was I?


Hoisting myself up on the parapet, I rested my back against the cool wall looking out at the now deserted basket ball court.

I returned back to school, changed into my jeans and was now waiting outside my next class after the most annoying time in the washroom.

I had quickly run into the girls washroom cum locker room hoping it would be empty so I could change out of my sweaty running pants in peace but no! The winds of luck always blow against me. Girls gossiping in insanely high pitched voices, some stabbing their eyes with their mascara wands, a girl stood applying some sickening pink lipstick and the room smelled like artificial strawberries just like most of the fake people in the room.

After being pushed for about 15 minutes and having to apologize to a girl on whom two drops of water smaller than the size of her pea brain accidently landed on her. She didn't stop glaring daggers at me until I left the room.

Stupid female dogs. Shouldn't they all be in class? I had an note to be excused for a couple of hours unlike them.

While I checked my watch for the fifth time sitting outside the class, a group of guys filed in and sat nearby.

I quietly peeked at them to find them staring at me. I think I saw them at the tracks.

I was wearing the same red nike t- shirt which I decided smelt pretty ok, jeans with two big, ripped patches and my worn out Nikes. Not the first time that people sent me odd glances. I looked like a hobo compared to the other girls. Let's not get started on the amount of times I've been called a tomboy or we'd be here till 'em cows come home.

Ugh! Maybe I should stop reading old English books and make more use of Urban Dictionary.com

Finally the bell rang after what seemed like hours. I jumped down and rushed into class leaving behind thoughts of cold humans and judging eyes.


Sorry this was a short chapter and didn't have any action. The next chapter will be up soon and will definately be more interesting.

Till then,
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Till then,Comment, Vote? Comment again maybe

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