6: Walking

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I licked my lips thinking of the wonderful breakfast of bacon and eggs that I just ate as I walked to school.
All kinds of sports training happens early in the morning before school starts. So here I am shyly tiptoeing through the main gate with my head bent low and absent mindedly playing with the leather charm bracelet on my hand.
Why can’t they open gate no 4 this early?
As I walked towards the ground the noise of shouts and activity filled my ears.
I had half a mind to turn back but I convinced myself not to run away. Again.
The ground was dotted with shirtless guys, a couple of girls in GTM High jerseys and the cheerleaders waiting for practice to begin.
I checked my watch dial which showed 6.20.
Ten minutes more to meet coach.
I ran through this bleachers and took a seat right on the top while scanning the field for some known faces but I found none.
I didn’t mess with the popular kids a.k.a the people from the soccer and basket ball teams.

The sight on the field made me cringe. It was one big, massive flirt fest happing there. Some couples were making out right in the middle of the ground. Cheerleaders twerking here and there. Guys trying to show off. Is flirt fest even a word?
Yuck. It’s too early in the morning to scar my eyes I thought while shifting my gaze and adjusting the hood of my sweatshirt on my head.
Does swapping saliva give high stamina?

“It’s more interesting to observe the cracks in the bleacher bench than the sight on the field” a voice spoke from behind me.
I whipped my head round to see a girl with drop dead straight black hair, an almond shaped face and light brown eyes looking back at me.

“Does this happen every morning?” I ask her, letting out a small laugh.
“Till coach comes out and blows his whistle. That whistle is my saving grace”
In that case we should try something.
“Wana see something?”
“Come on” I motioned for her to follow me and grabbed my backpack and ran.

Now, we stood under the southern-most, lowest set of bleachers peeking out through the boards.
“You’re sure coach blows the whistle?” I ask her.
“Yes but what are we doing here?” She asked looking terribly confused.
I put my thumb and pointer finger in my mouth and blew a standard assembly whistle.

Immediately everyone began to scurry around like chickens in a coup about to be killed.

Couples separated as quick as lightning, guys put on their shirts and some cheerleaders pretended to practise their stretching.
The black haired girl and I clutched each other while laughing hard and trying not to make a sound.
There was chaos on the huge ground. Curses flying around, kids adjusting their uniform while wildly looking around for a coach.
We sat down in the dark among old rackets, deflated balls and a bunch of other stuff trying to stifle our laughs.
“Look at us laughing our guts out together when we don’t even know each others names.” I whispered to her.
“Kiara Brooke.”
My mouth dropped open as my name rolled off her tongue.
“I’m Janet Cho. ”
“How do you know me? I’ve never met you before.”
“That’s because I’m a grade lower than you. Everybody knows you – Star student, 2016 young scientist winner, now track star and student council member.  The girl who flicked a spider on Caitlyn. You’re going down in history!"
“Holy Moly! You sound like you've been stalking me! Haha I wouldn’t mind throwing a toad or something at her right now. I'm still not sure who put the spiders on my locker. Took a long time to scrape the damned thing off!
“Haha. You’re talked about a lot these days you know” She laughs “I work for the school newspaper which kinda knows everything about everybody. By the way, I could look and find out who did that to your locker if you like.”
“Naw! I’m better off not knowing who did it. So you’re Korean right?”
“Yeah! Did you figure that out because of my surname?.”
“Yesss! I did”, I reply barely containing my whisper.
“You’re actually cool.”
“Why thank you! Did you hear otherwise?”
“Well, I’ve heard that you don’t make friends and keep to yourself.”
“Six months after joined the school, all I did was try to make friends but after unreturned smiles and mono syllable answers I decided to let it go.”
“Being the new kid is tough but you…achoo ”Janet let out a loud sneeze.
“But what? ” I laughed at the odd interruption . “We should get out of this musty place. I need to meet coach.”
“Yup” Janet replied followed by another rather loud sneeze.
We are going to get caught if this woman sneezes so loudly again.
“Oh crap! Shouldn’t you be on the field?” I asked her looking out at the practices which were in full swing now.
“Lol did you think I’m in a team? I’m assigned the sports column this month hence I have to show my tired, sleepy, droopy dog face here every morning” she complained before sneezing for the sixth time.
“Here’s a tissue Miss Achoo and you have a pretty face” as I handed her a tissue.
“Thank you. Now lets go meet coach” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Excuse my weird sense of humor."

“Our weirdness prevents us from molding into someone everyone wants us to be” She said with a grin as we made our way over to coach.
I think I made a new friend. How long will this friendship last though?
From the corner of my eye I spotted tousled brown hair and greenish-brown eyes looking at me but I averted my eyes back to ground and kept walking.


I'm amazed that so many people have read this book( it's not a great number but it's so much more than what I expected)
Thankyou ♥♥

This book does not have celebrities as the characters because I'd like you to imagine what they look like.
Also I'm tired of almost every female lead in wattpad books being either Selena Gomez or Lucy Hale!
A description of Kiara and Dustin will be coming up in the later chapters!!

PLEASE DO VOTE! COMMENT! And tell your friends, your friend's cousin and your neighbour's dog to do too!

K I'm done being a weirdo.

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