Part 1

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Ohhh, I miss the misery!

I've been a mess since you stayed,

I've been a wreck since you changed,

Don't let me get in your way,

I miss the lies and the pain,

The fights that keep us awake-ake-ake

I'm tellin you!

I miss the bad things,

The way you hate me,

I miss the screaming,

The way that you blame me!

Miss the phone calls,

When it's your fault,

I miss the late nights,

Don't miss you at all!

I like the kick in the face,

And the things you do to me!

I love the way that it hurts!

I don't miss you, I miss the misery!


    “Louis why are you moping, you should be happy you got out of that relationship,” Stine said.

    “You would think so,” Louis mumbled looking out the window.

    “Talk to me, what did he do to you?”


“How dare you!” Harry screamed.

“How dare I?! Harry it was just fucking coffee!” Louis shouted back.

“Just coffee? Really? They when would you need to lie about it?!”

“Because you’re just a jealous bastard all the damn time! I can’t even visit my family without you freaking out!”

“Maybe if you were a little more trustworthy I wouldn’t have to be concerned now would I?” Harry snarled.

“You’re unbelievable you know that?! I have given you no reason not to trust me, I’ve been loyal to you and you alone. Maybe you’re the one that can’t be trusted!” Louis fired back.

“Me?! You know you’re such a piece of shit sometimes Lou,” Harry said storming off.

“Don’t you fucking walk away from me!” Louis shouted throwing a plate that smashed against the wall by Harry’s head.

“You twat!” Harry said. “That could’ve hit me!”

“Good. You deserve it!”

Harry growled before grabbing the vase of flowers and throwing them at Louis.


“You started it!”

The two boys glared at one another. “Do you even realize how much you embarrassed me?”

“No, please enlighten me,” Harry said sarcastically.

“I haven’t seen her in 5 years Harry! Heaven forbid I meet up with an old friend. Things were going great, until you had to call screaming at me for the stupidest shit ever!!”

I Miss The Misery (Larry Stylinson Mini Series)Where stories live. Discover now