Part 3

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Just know that I'll make you hurt,

(I miss the lies and the pain what you did to me)

When you tell me you'll make it worse

(I'd rather fight all night than watch the TV)

I hate that feelin’ inside

You tell me how hard you'll try

But when we're at our worst

I miss the misery

I miss the bad things,

The way you hate me,

I miss the screaming,

The way that you blame me.

    “How are you Louis?”

    “I still can’t sleep.”


    “No. I don’t need to be asleep to see it, to feel it all over again.”

    “What do you see?”

    “Most recently, threats.”


    “It becoming worse.”

"Fucking slut,” Harry growled shoving Louis to the ground as soon as they entered the flat.

Louis held his face as his nose started bleeding after he smacked it on the floor. “What the hell are you talking about.”

“It’s like you want every guy to stare at you.”

Louis sighed. “What the hell did I do this time?”

Harry kicked Louis’ side roughly. “You know damn well what you did!”

“We were at the fucking beach. All I did was tan, swim, and surf what’s wrong about that?!” Louis said finally pushing himself to his feet.

Harry groaned in frustration before gripping Louis’ hair and yanking his head back. “You and those God damn short trunks that show off your thighs and bum first of all. Then you go fucking shirtless strutting around and chit chatting with every other man out there.”

Louis glared up at Harry for a moment before Harry finally let his head go, but not before shoving him forward so his head smacked off the side table. “Fuck!” Louis screamed rubbing his forehead. “First of all asshole, you bought me the damn shorts!” Louis said. “Also I was being friendly. They saw me surfing and we got to talking about surfing, that’s all. Get your head out of your ass and deal with it!”

Harry’s eyes darken before he grabbed Louis’ wrists and yanked him along to the bedroom. He shoved him onto the bed and sat on his chest so he couldn’t move. “You really need to learn to keep your mouth shut,” He said reaching into the drawer beside the bed. He pulled out the rope and a scarf. He shoved the scarf into Louis’ mouth before tying his hands to the headboard. “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” He said placing his hands around Louis’ throat. “You have to listen to me and obey,” He growled pushing down making Louis squirm. Harry brought himself up so he was towering over Louis as he pushing harder and harder. Louis thrashed around on the bed trying to get loose, but it only made Harry press harder. “Don’t fight it Louis. We both know how easily I could end you.”

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