Part 2

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A/N: REMINDER! This is part 2 so it has 2 flashbacks. Part 3 will have 3 and 4 will have 4 but the end will have either none or 1 not sure yet. This is also going to get worse and a little more graphic so you've been warned!


I've tried but I just can't take it,

I'd rather fight than just fake it (cause I like it


You know that I've had enough,

I dare ya to call my bluff,

Can't take too much of a good thing

I'm tellin you!

I miss the bad things,

The way you hate me,

I miss the screaming,

The way that you blame me!

Miss the phone calls,

When it's your fault,

I miss the late nights,

Don't miss you at all!

I like the kick in the face,

And the things you do to me!

I love the way that it hurts!

I don't miss you, I miss the misery!


    “How are you doing Louis?”

    “I called him.”


    “He’s mad.”

    “That’s understandable. I told you this wasn’t a good idea.”

    “He asked me if I really had enough of him.” Stine nodded as she waited for him to continue. “I told him to call my bluff. I don’t miss him, it’s the misery I miss. It’s the pain. I’d rather fight than just fake it all. I thrive on everything that was miserable, and I know he’s the only man that will ever provide me with it. That’s why I loved him, still do really.”

    “Louis this whole thing is so unhealthy for you both. You’re just hurting yourselves. You say you like it, but you can’t have too much of a good thing.”

    “Is it really that wrong for me to miss it?”


“Hello Mr.Smith,” Harry smiled shaking the gentleman’s hand.

“Mr.Styles. I’ve heard great things about you young man.”

“I’m glad to hear. I’ve been working really hard. Love the job.”

“Well, I hope to see you move along then. Maybe someday you’ll work in my building as a representative,” Mr.Smith smiled. “Who is this lad you have with you?” He asked leaning over to look at the boy standing slightly behind Harry with his head down.

Harry reached back grabbed Louis’ wrist and squeezing it unbearably tight. “This is Louis, my boyfriend.”

Louis looked up and smiled politely at the man. “It’s lovely to meet you sir. Harry has told me all about you and might I say you run a strong company.”

I Miss The Misery (Larry Stylinson Mini Series)Where stories live. Discover now