Chapter Nine - Detention

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The past few days have been nuts. Draco and I haven't left each other, hardly ever at least. I believe the only time we didn't spend time together is when we had to retreat back to our dormitories. I guess you could call us closer than ever. Everything has been pretty smooth. After Ratty was humiliated, she hasn't dared trying to talk to me. I giggled as I reflected back on the memory from Halloween. I heard a book shut resulting me looking in the direction from the noise once came from. "Why are you all bright and cheerful?" Draco teased. "Oh nothing, just thinking about Halloween. Best night ever." I smiled. "Oh really, I bet I can change your mind." He stated. It was close to curfew, causing me to send him a worried look. "How so?" I replied. I was now interested as Malfoy claimed for me to follow him. "I overheard Potter and his goons talking about sneaking around to get to the library. Wouldn't it be priceless to turn them in?" The grey eyed boy snickered. I said nothing except an evil grin curling at my lips. When Draco saw this, his orbs lightened up with excitement as he dragged me through the hallway. "Where exactly are we going?" I whisper-yelled. "Not sure, they could be one of two places. The Astronomy Tower or the Library." He guessed. "Are you kidding me?" I paused, "How about I go the Library, whilst you check out the Astronomy Tower...I have a feeling they will be at both locations." He nodded my way as we ran our separate ways. I slowed down as I approached the library. Carefully, I creaked the door open sneaking in at a fast pace. I felt a sharp pain at my head unknowingly running into someone. "Watch where you're goi-" I stopped as I set my focus on Harry Potter. "Oh hi...Harry." I said hesitantly. "Hey Y/N!" Harry blushed. I eyed him quite suspiciously, "Out after curfew I see?" I crossed my arms. "So are you!" Potter shot back. It didn't really hit me that we were out after curfew until he said this to me. He talked to me for a bit, leaving me no choice but to listen. He seemed a bit nervous but I had to stick to me and Draco's plan. I was about to open my mouth, though I was cut off by Potter. "Can I tell you something?" He blurted out. I stared at him before nodding slowly. "Yeah, uh- what's up?" , "I kind of-" he trailed off making it hard to hear. I kept my stare on him, "Pardon?" I said lightly annoyed. "I kind of like-" he trailed off once more. I scoffed, shifting my weight as I raised a hand to my hip. I was not impressed. "Like what?" I scolded. "You." Potter spat out speedily. I stiffened up immediately at his words. "Um, excuse me. What?" I questioned. "Yeah, 'What?' exactly." I heard someone hiss. Draco, of course. Perfect timing, as always, for the worse things. I turned to see Potter's face turn a hint of rose as he scrunched his face. "What's it to you Malfoy, you're not kind too her considering what I've seen." Harry exaggerated. "Is this even something to argue about?" I holler. I lour as I look behind Malfoy, McGonagall towering over him. Draco looked up at her before sending a devilish grin to Harry. "You all, come with me." She declared as she stuck her nose in the air.

At this point, we were all at her desk. Mudblood, Weaselbee, Potter, Draco, and I. The trio looked absolutely guffawed as to why they were here until they looked over to see me and Draco sharing a triumphant grin. "It has come to my attention that you, students, have been wondering around past curfew?" Professor interrogated. "Yes Professor." The trio groaned. "Well, then as a consequence, you five will be spending detention with Hagrid." McGonagall said. Draco and I grinned at their consequence until we processed what she just said. "Don't you mean three?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion towards the Professor. "After all, we are the ones who informed you!" Malfoy anxiously protested. "Yes, I am very much aware of that indeed; though you were out past curfew as well!" The Mistress gnarled. "What no, you've got it all wr-" I began to complain before we were escorted out to the Forbidden Forest by Mr. Filch. I shuddered in fear as the darkness from the Forest reached out to touch me. "'Ello er'yone! Welcome to ye' detention." Hagrid boomed. I could hear Mr. Filch cheering in the background hoping that something happens to us. Creepy little Squib. "Grab yer' lanterns! We are out to find unicorns." "Unicorns, why unicorns?" Ron asked. "Well you see, I've been finding trails of Unicorn blood throughout the forest." The giant man stated as he held out a lantern. We all looked around unsure of the circumstance. "Let's see, Ron and Hermione come with me. Harry, Draco and Y/N go that way." I saw Draco's lip quiver in fear. "Fine then I get Fang." Draco blurted out. Hagrid let out a sigh before giving into the young boy's words. "A'right, but I will let 'ye know...he's a bloody coward." He whispered. Fang whimpered at his comment before taking off with us. "This is servant work!" I yammered. "Just wait til my father hears about this!" Malfoy rebuked. "Shut up will you Malfoy?" Potter proposed. "Me? Shut up? You're the one who can't keep his feelings to himself!" Draco fired back. "Like I said, what's it to you?". I cringed at their argument. It was going nowhere and it felt awkward around Potter now. All of a sudden, their case became heated as Potter forced the blonde boy to the ground. I wanted to scream for them to stop, though it was too late as Draco jumped back up to pounce on the boy. They were now tackling, rolling back in forth. "Stop it! Stop it! Let go of each other!" I yelped. "Cut it out!" Draco and Harry were sending dirty words at each other until Malfoy found himself on top of Harry, hands around his neck.

"DRACO!" I shouted, pulling him off of Potter. "Cut it out!" I said in a calming voice, resting my hand on Draco's shoulder. Harry rises to his feet, shooting me a dark glare before running off to find Hagrid and the others. It was now just me and Draco, in the dark, all alone; for Harry took the lantern. "What was all that about?" I demanded an answer. No response. "Hello? Are you deaf?" I waved a hand in front of his face hoping to get his attention. I definitely got is attention, considering he slapped my hand out of his face. I retreated my hand back, tending to the now irritated skin. "Ouch...that actually hurt." I made a saddened face, struggling to keep my confidence up. "Suck it up, L/N." Malfoy coldly maundered. "So that's how it's going to be now?" I glared in mental rejection. "It's not my fault you flirted with Potter into liking you." His comment left my mouth open as I began to protest. "Are you kidding me? Me? Flirting? Nonsense! I wouldn't flirt with Harry like you seemingly flirt with bloody plunger across the table! The only person you should notice me flirting with, is you!" I shrilled at the top of my lungs. Draco stood there frozen as he took a moment to take in the last part. "" He mumbled bluntly. "Why didn't you just te-" He stopped talking as he snapped his head around to a sound only to see a figure hovering over a fallen unicorn. Our eyes widened as we took off running. "HELP, HELP, AHHH!" Draco pleaded out loud as we attempted to find the exit of this forbidden fixture. As the two of us were running, Draco frantically managed to say between pants, "L/N, I am officially not talking to you!". His words struck me like lightning, which only encouraged me to run faster. This time, not away from the unicorn-sucker, but from him. For Malfoy was too stuck up and selfish to realize the mistakes he's made.

I found myself outside of the forest, him swiftly appearing behind me. "Why?" I consulted, out of breath. "Didn't I say I wasn't talking to you?" The snob expressed his tone in a harsh way. "This is what I get for claiming that I was flirting with you?" I was holding back tears as my voice began to choke up. "I didn't think you'd be mad, I just don't underst-" I seized my comments as I felt the boy's arms wrap around me. "I just don't know how to react." He murmured before walking off, leaving me behind.

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