where did he go?

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later that day me and Ashley walk through the woods and go swimming by the time we get back i remember that my dad is there i tell her that ill be back and look around but cant find him anywhere  i go outside and look around and see blood on a tree i walk over and smell it yep its definitely his it smells like wolves-bane i remember Bella saying he ate it all the time for its taste which is very odd at least i think so who knows maybe its normal for dragons to eat it i follow the scent of his blood it leads to a small cave i walk in and look around i look at the wall where a handprint of blood is i touch the blood stain and a door opens behind me i walk in as it closes behind me i look around and see nothing but darkness i reach the end of the wall and hear water i look down and dont see anything so i decide to use the powers that fire storm gave me  I grab a stick I see on the ground and light it to make a torch it lights up just enough of NY surroundings I look down the hole and see my dad chained up to a wall he looks fine but I can tell he was beaten badly "dad you OK"he doesn't move so I climb down once I get down I hear a voice that says welcome I turn around and see a pair of greyish eyes with a brown tint to them and before I knew it I was on the ground

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