Chapter One | I Bet You're Too Scared

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Hey guys! For those of you who are new to my writing, my name's Elliot! So this is a story I've been planning for a few weeks with my friends. It's honestly a little plot-less at the moment, but the main plot will be in their fourth year. The first few years will sort of be a bit ambiguous and get-to-know them, so they won't be that long. Just a few notes before we begin;

1. This is set in the same time period as The Cursed Child, but I won't be acknowledging that plot.

2. Sirius, Remus, and Severus are alive in this for reasons, but everyone else who died in the books is dead. (I'M SORRY, DOBBY!)

3. A lot of characters in this are trans, nonbinary, bisexual, gay, lesbian, and more. I will delete any transphobic or homophobic comments, and block the creators. These characters are also not representative of everyone in the community, and do not invalidate anyone else's experiences.

4. There will be swearing, especially from certain characters. *cough* Arthur, Sam, and Jack *cough*

5. If there are possible triggers in chapters, I will post them at the start. If I miss one, post it in the comments or PM me and I will add it in.

Okay, I think that's everything. Enjoy!

There is only one word to describe King's Cross Station on the first of September each year, and that is; demented

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There is only one word to describe King's Cross Station on the first of September each year, and that is; demented.

Rose White stood at the entrance, hands gripping the trolley in front of her, knuckles ghost-white. She glanced behind her, but she could already see the taxi pulling out of the station.

Too late to go back. And she wasn't even sure if he'd want her back.

She took a deep breath and pushed her trolley into the crowd of people mulling around the station. Somewhere around platform nine. That's all she knew.

She hadn't even seen her letter. Her father had just ordered her things by letter, and insisted she would find her way.

She glanced at her ticket again. Platform nine and three quarters. Okay. It couldn't be that hard to find.

She slowed as she neared platform nine and ten. Nothing. Well, that was only to be expected. She hesitated before pressing her hand against one of the pillars. Maybe a button or-

"Are you alright, Miss?"

She looked up as the conductor approached and opened her mouth. Then paused. No, if she asked about the platform, he would probably deem her insane. "I'm fine."

"If you're sure." He adjusted his cap. "Where's your family?"

"I'm getting on the eleven thirty train to go back to them." She forced a smile.

He watched her for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Carry on then."

He turned away as a group of French-speaking tourists approached him.

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