Chapter Two | Want a Jellytot?

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Hey, guys. I'm really sorry that this took so long, but I found it really hard to write this year due to multiple things. I'm finally finished my exams, so I'll be trying to update more and more this summer. Hopefully that will actually happen! Anyway, enjoy.

CW: Swearing, hints of abusive parents. If I missed any, let me know.

 If I missed any, let me know

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"Alright, everyone." Professor Lupin's smile was tired, but ever-present as he sat on his desk. Behind him, the wardrobe rattled. A few of the second years stepped back. "Don't worry - it's not going to harm you," he chuckled. "Today, we're moving on to boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?"

Jack didn't speak up, which was surprising. He usually knew the answers to these.

It was Saoirse who finally raised her hand. "It's a creature that takes the form of whatever the nearest person to it is most afraid of."

"Exactly." Professor Lupin's smile grew. "Five points to Slytherin." He glanced back at the cupboard. "In there is a boggart. A small one, mind. Now does anyone know how to get rid of one?"

Ella was the next to speak - a Gryffindor with long, blonde hair. "You have to make it into something funny, right?"

"Very good." Professor Lupin smiled again. "Five points for Gryffindor. We have to make the boggart take the form of something we find amusing - it's laughter that really gets a boggart. Now I want you to all repeat after me; Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus." The class chanted after him a few times until he knew they all had it right.

"Excellent. That's the spell you'll be using to get rid of the boggart." Professor Lupin looked around. "Now I'm going to need a volunteer." Everyone shuffled but no one stepped forward. "Don't worry; this is my classroom, and I won't let it harm you."

After a moment, Ella stepped forward, pulling out her wand. "Do we need a particular wand movement?" If she was nervous, she didn't sound it.

"Just the basic attack." Professor Lupin nodded. "Now, what's your worst fear?"

Ella hesitated. "Fireworks," she admitted after a moment. A few Slytherins snickered behind her.

Professor Lupin nodded. "Okay. I want you to imagine any way you can think of to make fireworks funny. It can be something else entirely if you want. But you need to be able to laugh at it. Okay?"

Ella nodded and gripped her wand. "On three," Professor Lupin called as he limped over to the closet, "I'm going to open the door. Ready?" Again, she nodded. "One... Two... Three."

The door unlocked itself and a blaze of fireworks shot up into the classroom around Ella. She gritted her teeth and covered both ears.

After a moment, she aimed her wand at them. "Riddikulus!" The fireworks fused into a tabby cat that flailed in mid-air for a moment. It screeched as it fell and landed on Professor Lupin. The class burst into laughter as the cat started running around the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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