Young love

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in this story Bonnie and Foxy are human, everyone has a room except Foxy, he sleeps in the cove

Bonnie's P.O.V

I just got up to set of my alarm for the 5th time. I didn't want to get up from bed, the morning was gloomy and rainy.."i hate days like these" i thought to myself. I covered myself with a blanket over my head. I still have two hours till the pizzeria opens so I can sleep in a little I suppose. I closed my eyes tiredly trying to fall back asleep. It was a bad idea to stay up all night for an anime marathon after all.. sigh I curled up into a small ball, my feet were uncovered and were cold by now because of my open window. Soon I started to fall back asleep until I heard a familiar voice at my doors. "Aye bon! Get up, ye can't  sleep in again, come on ye lazybutt"

" No! leave me alone I'm tired" I mumbled a little annoyed by his attitude. I just wanted to get some sleep when Foxy just kick my door open.

"what the hell are you doing???" I glared up at him, reviling my head from the covers in a shock from his actions.

"Freddy will kill me if ye don't get up soon, so get dressed and fix up yer hair now." he said in a commanding voice.

I stick my tongue at him"I'm gonna sleep as long as I want and you can't stop me" I said and turned my back to him still laying down"

"oh really?" he raised his eyebrow and lifted me up over his shoulder with a smirk on his face.

" hey put me down u stupid fox!!" I yelled at him now fully awake and struggling out of his grip. He walked in the bathroom and put me down in front of him.

"Ye are either gonna listen to me or Freddy's gonna know ye slacked off again yesterday" he mumbled angrily.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "fine whatever" I mumbled and walked over to the sink to wash my face. He leaned on the wall near the door probably so I don't try running back to the bed. After washing my face and teeth I started to brush my hair but couldn't reach one part that was really messy. I noticed Foxy looking at me with a stupid smirk on his face again. As I looked at me he suddenly walked over to me and grabbed the brush from my hand. I looked at him he trying to tease me again or something? He started brushing my hair slowly and gently as much as he could because he wasn't that gentle type. It was quiet for a couple or minutes.

Ye know ye should let yer hair down more..don't tie it up all the time" he said suddenly after a long pause as he continues to brush my hair.

"but it looks girly like that, and it would bother me while I work" I mumbled tiredly

"I think it looks better when ye don't tie it in a ponytail,but that's just my opinion" he said while kinda zoned out. He moved his red tail near my legs and I shivered when it went lightly over my back.

" why do you even care?..I mean we don't even talk that much." why do I feel sad when saying that..

He shrugged and finished brushing my hair " I guess I kinda wanted to get to meet ye better lad..I mean we could be friends if ye gave me a chance" he said as he looked at me.

it's weird...My hearth is pounding a little..i started to zone out when foxy looked at me worried " bon? ye hear me?"

"oh y-yeah sure ,of about we hang out after work's Friday so we can stay up late" I smiled as I looked up at him.

" sure" he smiled back as he pat my head. I felt my cheeks flush bright red. Why am I blushing??? I don't get this, i never felt like this around him!!

"umm is everything alright lad? Yer face is kinda red, do ye have a fever?? ye should've told me I wouldn't have woken ye up this suddenly then" he said kinda guilty

"No, I'm fine heh" I rubbed the back off my neck nervously. " well I'm ready for work, let's goooo" I pushed him out my bathroom to the dinning room. He rolled his eyes jokingly and waved at me as he went back in the cove. My face was still bright red..What am I going to do I..? Could I have a crush on him???


The Love Chaos  (FONNIE FANFIC) ~yaoiWhere stories live. Discover now