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♡chapter twelve- pink to make the boys wink ♡

"What should I do to Finn next?" I ask Sadie as we approach our lockers. In all honesty, I didn't really care for what she was going to say next. I didn't want to break up with Finn anymore but if she thought for even a second that I was starting to catch feelings, she'd kill me.

We stopped at our lockers and I started to put in my combination. As she stopped, she looked over to me and grinned. She started to think for a moment before saying, "dress flirty."

I gave her a confused look causing her go laugh a little. "Pull your pink skirt up!" She encouraged making me wrinkle my nose.

"Sadie, no." I say sternly but quietly. She shakes her head then looks around to see if anyone is around. As she leans in, I can feel the heat from her breath on my ear. She slowly whispers, "you need him to notice you."

"Sadie you know I hate when my skirts are short." I whisper so quietly that she almost didn't catch it. But it was true. Sadie used to always try and get me to wear her skirts so that we could match outfits but I couldn't do it. They were short skirts and I was a size bigger than her making it a really short skirt on me.

"Come on mills," she whines. "You know what they say, pink to make the boys wink!" She laughs at the last part then starts motioning me to pull my skirt up. I sigh then decide against my opinion. The only way to make Sadie happy is to do what she wants.

I quickly look around then yank my skirt up a bit showing my high thighs. Sadie gives me a small grin then starts to dig through her locker for something.

"Sadie what are y-" I was cut off when she shoved something into my face. "Here" she said as she dragged me into the nearby washroom. "It's my red lip stick you used to always wear. It will make your lips pop!" She said exaggerating on p.

I sighed then applied some to my lips. Sadie and Maddie always said this colour made my lips pop. They said it was my signature colour. I laughed a little then handed it back. "Thanks"

I looked in the mirror then sighed.

Why do I have to hide this from Sadie? Why do I have to like Finn?

As I walked into first period- the only period I have with Finn- I received a few whistles and compliments but I ignored them. My gaze was fixed on Finn who sat the back of the class.

"Wolfhard." I said as I came closer to him. He looked up from his text book and almost immediately, his eyes widened. I took the empty seat that happened to be right in front of him.

I turned around in my chair and pursed my lips a little, making sure he can see the lipstick. "Mi-Mills," he stutters. "You look nice." I gave him a little smile then whispered, "thanks."

As I turned around, our math teacher miss Dryer walked in with her heals that make her appear 2x taller then she actually is. Unlike miss Ryder, I actually like miss Dryer. Her heals didn't make that annoying clicking sound and she isn't as near as strict as miss Ryder is.

"Good morning class!" She said joyfully. "Please turn to page 11." I quickly turned around to grab my textbook from my bag to come face to face with Finn. I noticed that the second we locked eyes, that he had been staring at me the whole time.

"Like what you see?" I asked aware of him staring at me. He quickly looked away while his face grew bright red. I gave him a smirk then whispered, "meet me in the bathroom in five."

I raised my hand knowing miss Dryer would say yes. I quickly grabbed my phone and tucked it into my skirt.

As I was walking out of the class, some of the football players gave me a few whistles making me chuckle.

As I walk into the bathroom, I try to fix myself up so that I look at least decent. I make sure that my lipstick hasn't smudged and my skirt isn't too high.

"Mills?" I hear as the door opens. I looked over to see Finn staring at me.

"Took you long enough." I say as he slowly approaches me. He gives me a smirk the puts his hands on waist.

"You look beautiful." He compliments, star struck. I guess Sadie was right about one thing.

"Oh stop." I blush looking away from him.

"Make me." He slowly inches closer to me. My back lightly hits the wall as our foreheads start to touch.

"Fine." I simply say before closing the gap between us. Our lips hit each other's slowly yet softly. It was all innocent and slow for a moment until pushed me against the wall a little harder.

It was nicer then how we usually kiss. It had meaning to it.

It all ended when the bell rung signalizing second period was about to begin. "Are-you-going to-class?" He asked between breaths. I shook my head the continued to kiss him.

Class could wait.

"Finn," Gaten said as Finn and I approached the lunch table hand in hand. I sat down next to Finn and took a bite out of my apple. "Yes?" He asked as he gestured his hands as if he were to say continue.

"I love the new look your trying out." Finn gave him a funny look then turned to me. Immediately, I looked away and covered my face. I could hear Sadie's giggles in the background only making things worse.

"What do you mean?" Finn asked slowly in confusion. It was like Gaten couldn't be serious anymore; he broke out into a fit of laughter making people stare.

"I love how Millie let you borrow her red lipstick, it really suits 'ya!" He laughed even harder. Finn turned to me in embarrassment making me giggle. He had my- well Sadie's- red lipstick smeared all over his lips. His hair was also a little messier then usual.

How stupid could I be to not look in the mirror before going to lunch?

I could only imagine how bad I looked. I probably had smudged mascara and lipstick all over my face along with messy hair. I looked down at my skirt and made sure that it wasn't too high. It wouldn't matter now since I pulled it up at the beginning of the day.

"Ya ya, so funny." Finn sarcastically laughed. I looked over to him then shook his shoulder in a way to say lighten up. He flashed me a smile then went back to his food.

lol short lame chapter.
Sorry if the bathroom scene triggered anyone. If it did, tell me and I'll for sure change it.

I'm so sorry if the name Maddie doesn't always have a capital letter at the beginning. For some reason my phone/computer doesn't like that name even though it's mine...

Anyways, 'till next time!


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