Chapter 5: Tensions Rise

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[2:00pm Beacon Shatter Dome]

(Blake's P.O.V)

I had just finished half the pile of paper work on my desk and had ran out to get another cup of coffee.

"Hey Blakey!" Yang shouted from one of the iron beams surrounding Gipsy Danger.

"Hey Yang!" I replied pouring coffee into my cup.

I had been stressed with work and now I had someone to make me happy,Yang.

I always thought about Yang everyday while working or just walking around and sometimes in my room. I dream about her every night and pray that she will return safe during every mission she goes on.

Currently she was talking to a worker because Gipsy was still being repaired and Coco and Velvet were staying for a while until their Jaeger was finished being reloaded and minor repairs were needed.

I sighed as I saw Yang occupied by a worker who was pissing her off. I walked back to my office and started looking at recent Kaiju reports and Weiss sent me some papers to review.

As I was in the middle of a review Yang knocked on my door frame.

"Hey Blakey cake!" She said happily walking in to my office.

"Hey Yang." I replied writing notes on review and studying a Jaeger model.

"Whats shakin bacon?" She asked looking at the model and blueprints.

"Just *sigh* working on reports and reviewing blueprints and models. The usual." I said rubbing my head.

"Well do you wanna take a break? Weiss and Ruby are out at lunch and Gipsy is still being repaired so I cant kick ass, so I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me." Yang looked nervous and had a slight blush on her face.

"I wish I could but I cant. This paperwork is important and I have been procrastinating to avoid it but it needs to be done now. Maybe tomorrow." I said writing more notes.

"Oh.....ok yea thats..fine..I'll see you later I guess." She sighed and walked out looking disappointed.

I felt bad for not just putting down my stupid work and going out with her but it had to be done.

(Yang P.O.V)

'Fuck me!' I punched the wall frustrated that Blake was busy.

I wanted to to out with Blake and was afraid she would reject me and now she put work over me.

I walked into my room and locked the door and started punching my boxing dummy.

I kept punching it and didn't realize how much time had passed. When I finished it was 2:39pm so I stopped punching and just laid on my bed.

I sighed and picked up a random magazine and started reading,wishing Blake would come around and sweep me off my feet.

(Blake P.O.V)

I sighed and looked at the time.

'2:39.' I thought looking at the now small pile of incomplete work that I needed to finish before tomorrow.

"*sigh* Poor Yang. She just wanted to hang out or go out." I said to my self and soon silence swept my office again.

The only sound was the clock ticking as the minutes passed and soon minutes turned to hours.

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