Chapter 6: Tensions Burn Higher

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(A/N: This video is awesome! Check it out! Video made by: TheBaconHammer! Stay awesome!)

[7:30pm Beacon Shatter Dome]

(Blake's P.O.V)

After long hours of paper work I finally finished. I pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my eyes.

"I am fucking done with this paper work shit." I stood up and walked out of my office.

It was dinner time so I walked to the mess hall to get something to eat. I saw Yang,Ruby,Weiss,and the newest guests Coco and Velvet.

I sat down next to Yang and she gave a quick glance then looked away.

"Hi Yang." I said sheepishly. She looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Hey Blake." She replied and went back to her original conversation.

She seemed different. No nicknames,no happiness,this wasn't my Yang.

"Be right back guys." Yang said getting up walking away from the table.

"Hey Ruby I just wanted to say that your pretty good working with that rust bucket." I heard Coco say to Ruby.

Oh shit here we go.

(Ruby's P.O.V)

Oh here we go Mrs.Ego coming out to judge my jaeger skills and just give me the finger.

"Um thanks but she isn't a rust bucket. She is a Mark 3 jaeger from the good old glory days. My mother operated her and now I am working to protect the world." I replied seriously,looking at her.

"Yea I know that and you know its just not as advanced as-" At this point I cut her off.

"Listen here clothing store. My robot is just as well as your robot and if you don't believe that I suggest looking at the track record and stats ok?!" I practically yelled at Coco.

Coco just stood up and walked away in a huff.

"Sorry about her." Velvet bowed and ran off after Coco.

I looked around the room and everyone was staring at me.

"What." I muttered.

They all turned back to their conversations and business.  I stood up and walked out to the training room.

[11:37pm Beacon Shatter Dome]

(Weiss P.O.V)

I sat down at my desk and almost instantly got a Kaiju warning.

"Warning breach activity detected. Kaiju category 4. Knife Head." Penny's voice announced.

"And just as I sat down too." I alerted Yang,Ruby,Velvet,and Coco to suit up and report to their Jaegers. 

A screen popped up showing Gipsy Danger was ready and Striker Eureka was ready.

"Alright pilots. Category four just out of the breach. Take it down and be sure no one is harmed in the process. Understood?" I instructed them.

"Yes captain!" Ruby replied.

"Ready to kill!" Coco responded shortly after.

"And Yang please no unnecessary chatter. Keep the line clean." I sighed. 

"What did I do?" Yang chuckled. 

"Just do your job."

(Yang's P.O.V)

Ruby and I were excited. Category four should be easy.

(General P.O.V)

(Play vid if you want some awesome battle music.)

Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka approached the breach just as the Kaiju was rising up from the water.

"Alright Jaegers GO!" Weiss said as the two Jaegers ran towards the Kaiju.

Coco smirked and landed the first punch on the category four. The Kaiju turned around and roared loudly. Striker took a defensive position just as the Kaiju swung a hard punch.

"Striker stand down we got this!" Yang shouted through the mic. 

"Negative Gipsy! I can take em!" Coco replied.

Gipsy flanked the Kaiju and lifted it up from behind.

"Come here!" Yang shouted. 

Gipsy Danger tossed the Kaiju away as Striker turned towards the Kaiju.

"Fire chest launcher!" Coco ordered. 

Strikers chest opened to reveal six cannons loaded and ready. Missiles shot out of the cannons towards the rising Kaiju. The missiles exploded on impact with the Kaiju's back.

Gipsy ran forward while charging an elbow rocket. 

"Fire!" Gipsy punched forward using the rocket for a more powerful punch. The punch connected with the monster's back sending it back down to the ocean floor.

"Yea!" The duo shouted in celebration.

"Don't be celebrating yet! Its not down!" Weiss said just as the Kaiju leaped from the water and tackled Gipsy Danger down. 

The Kaiju roared in the Jaeger's face and attempted to stab through the hull. Striker came out of nowhere and picked up the massive lizard and stabbed at it with its sting blades.

"Stay down!" Velvet shouted as they took the life out of the Kaiju.

Both teams panted heavily as the Kaiju's body sank to the ocean floor.

Weiss sighed in relief as she slumped down in her chair.

The Jaegers began returning back to base.

(If you listened to the music you can stop it now if you want (if it didn't already end) or just keep listening. You do you.)

(Blake's P.O.V)

 I had just heard about the recent victory and ran to meet up with Yang. I turned the corner and saw Yang walking down still in her suit. She smiled as she saw me.

We met in the middle and I hugged her tightly. I smiled as she held me close.

"We win another battle." She said smiling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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