Chapter 2: Shoot Me Now

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The next day when I walk into class, I take my seat and take my notebook out and copy down the notes and homework. When I feel a pair of hands covering my face and eyes, blocking my vision, I freak out. I wip and claw at them but they won't let go.

"Hello, bitch, what are you doing. Get your hands off me." I state, still trying to pry the hands off my face. They laugh and tap my nose, still covering my face. But, that laugh is recognizable.


But, how can he be in this class. This is the gifted class, not the I'm-an-idiot class. "Luke?" I say still not believing myself. How is that even possible? He's not smart and he talks all the time. Ugh, this is so annoying, how can the teachers be so dumb. He takes his hands off my face and taps my shoulder so I turn around. Well, what do you know, he is here. Either, I'm dreaming or he's somehow found me and came to annoy me.

"What's up princess, how you doing?" He smirks at me with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"What are you doing here? This isn't your class."

"Well, I've been bumped up, babe. I'm in all your classes now." He laughs at my 'your kidding me' face.

"Your kidding right?"

"Nope, I don't 'kid' princess." He tells me rubbing my head, messing up my hair. Right then, the teacher walks in and I turn around, ignoring Luke and his whispering in my ear. I pay attention and soon, Luke stops knowing he's not winning. When the bell rings I gather up my stuff and walk to the door but not before noticing Luke talking to the teacher. Oh no, what is he doing?

"Um, Claire? Can you come here please?" said my Math teacher.

"But I'm going to be late to my ne-" I start but get cut off.

"I'll give you pass, just come here for a second, please." She says starting to get annoyed. I walk back over to her and stand away from Luke with him whispering, "I don't bite." and me glaring back at him. Yeah, 'cause the first thing I think of when I am next to him is him biting me. Definitely. How about the fact that he starts talking to me after all these years and I'm the first thing on his agenda. I glance up to Mrs. Kane with a questioning glance telling her to 'get on with it'.

"Is it possible that you can tutor Luke today after school. Possibly for the next two months or so. He needs to catch up in this class." She says to me completely ignoring the fact that he is Luke Rivers. The star of every athletic team. He's the complete opposite of me, why couldn't she pick someone else. Possibly any of the other girls that were looking at him the entire class drooling, not even paying attention to the lesson, eyeing him up like he was dinner.


"Sure." Luke says, with me saying 'no' at the same time. There is no way, in this world, that I will tutor Luke the 'player'. The person who uses his looks as an advantage. Why would he need a tutor if he was bumped up to the next level. Isn't he supposed to be smarter than anyone else? Well, that's what I thought, but I thought wrong. He turns to me and winks.

"Okay, but no... you know... funny stuff is going to take place." She says while looking at Luke. Well, if she was so afraid of 'stuff' happening, why doesn't she just tutor him herself. He whispers in my ear "2 o'clock" and turns me around and places a hand on my back, walking us toward the door.

"Wait! My pass." I turn around and run to the desk and run back to the now standing Luke by the door. He places a hand on my shoulder and we walk to our next class. A few times I try to brush off his hand but he just places it on my back and moves it down a centimeter everytime I glance at him. Eventually I stop because I know I'm not winning this one and I don't want his hand on my waistband of my jeans. We enter through the door with a minute to spare and everyone looks our way, with looks of want and envy. Seriously, they are so stupid. I take my usual seat and Luke decides to sit on my desk. I scowl at him and he laughs

"Go away, jerk." I smack his arm.

"Ouch, that wasn't nice, princess." He puts his hand over his heart with fake hurt plastered on his face, "I think that deserves a kiss." He tells me. In his dreams! I'm not giving myself to him.

"Toughen up." I tell him. He tries a few more times but stops when the teacher walks in. He sits in the seat to my left and passes me a note.

'You can't get rid of me, it's too late. Try resisting me later, princess. P.S- you look pretty today ;). -Luke' I read in my head and quickly scibble back, 'It's not hard to resist you, keep dreaming and try harder. And tell me I'm pretty another way, not a note.' I pass it back to him and look at his face change to shock. He rips it up and tosses it in the garbage. 1 point for Claire.


"Ooo, a study date..." Jade says to me at lunch.

"Its not a date, it's a shoot-me-now chore after school. Like cleaning the dishes."

"Hot, sexy dishes."

"Jade! Do you ever shut up?"

"You never denied it, Claire." She muttered. Please tell me she isn't one of those girls that stare at him like he's an angel. Yeah, a fallen angel, but not an angel.

"C'mon Claire! You know any girl would kill to be in your position right now."

"Like that position." I point to Luke and a girl making out in a corner. Seriously, get a room. I quickly sheild my eyes and look away, getting annoyed and running my hands through my hair. Jade bites her lip and looks at my apologeticaly.


"What? I'm not jealous, he's the star athlete and biggest player in the school." I say to her and get up to toss my garbage out.

This is going to be a long day...

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