Chapter 19: Not So Pleasent Surprise

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"What'd I miss?" Jade's words were and we all smiled at her, "What? You think I was dead? I wouldn't leave you guys..." Jade smiles and we smile back, still tongue-tied for words. Except for Noah.

"You died. You almost left me... I almost lost you, Jade." A tear runs down his face and Jade grabs his hand and squeezes it.

"I would never leave you, and look. I'm right here. I'm breathing, and happy with my perfect boyfriend besides me." Jade smiles and I smile at how cute they are. But of course, being Luke, he has to clear his damn throat at that moment, earning a glare from me.

"Um, we are just gonna go. I should get home anyway. Claire?" Luke mutters and a tinge of pink shows at the tips of his ears and cheeks. Embarrassed? Of what? I nod my head and I say a quick goodbye to Jade, saying I'll call her later, and make my way out of the hospital room, but before I shut the door all the way, I turn around and smirk, "The hospital room is not a place for making out." I say and turn around, closing the door before I let out a laugh and I hear a 'shut up' from behind the door.

"You wanna see Riley the Idiot?" Luke questions with a raised eye-brow and I turn to him.

"Why? Are you actually suggesting that I hang out with him?" I fake a gasp and he shrugs. We walk out of the hospital after checking out and we make our way to his car, me kicking a pebble on the way there.

"You haven't seen him and aren't you his girlfriend? He hasn't called you or anything? Don't you want to see whats going on?" Luke asks, walking towards the passenger side and pulling the door open. I turn to him.

"I'm driving?"

"No, I'm opening the door for you. Geez, Claire, can't I be a gentlemen without being questioned about my motives?" He laughs and I shrug, smiling. I say a 'thank you' and hop in, before he shuts the door and he walks around the car, opening the drivers side door, "So, Riley's?" He questions, putting the key in the ignition, and starting the car- it roaring to life.

"Sure. I guess." I mutter and he backs out of the parking lot and we get onto the main road, towards Riley's house, "How are you feeling? Your cuts, I mean."

"I don't know, better I guess. It stings, but that's only because you pulled them out only an hour ago. It will get better... I hope. And don't ask why I did it, again. I already answered that question three times."

"Then make it four." I mutter, "I still don't have a straight answer."

"Again, you probably won't understand. It was just an reaction, I guess. Listen, just because we've had a few ups and downs doesn't mean I cant protect you from danger. Its my fault, too. If I broke that damn window faster, we could've gotten out of there before the house blew up."

"I could've protected myself..."

"No, don't start with that. I wasn't going to let you get hurt on purpose-"

"Guy code or something?" I ask, raising an eye-brow.

"Gentlemen code... and... never mind. Anyway, that whole thing was all my fault. I invited Noah, and I asked Noah to invite Jade and you because I wasn't exactly on your good side then and I didn't want to annoy you. Your ankle was my fault, Jade is my fault, the burns are my fault. Everything is my fault." He mutters sadly, looking out of the window before turning forward again.

"No it's not. I'm the reason you got those injuries and cuts. I weighed you guys down and I'm sorry-"

"No, you didn't weigh us down. And these cuts... that was my fault. I did it myself-"

"Because of me." I correct.

"No, because of me. Because of me, Claire. I didn't need to, I could've thrown you over my shoulder and ran behind a tree like Noah and Jade. But, that would've resulted in you getting cut and I didn't want that to happen. Did you see those pieces of wood? They hurt like hell itself and we weren't that close to a tree, not counting the ones by the house. Noah had no other option because he couldn't just drop Jade's body on the ground or she could've died then. It was because of me and my need to protect you because I-... we're here." He sighs and opens the door and I instantly see another car in the drive way. Luke comes around and opens my car door, snapping me out of my daze.

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