chapter 5

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A/N : sorry to my 3 readers for the two weeks without updates, life was busy!  Also this is a short chapter but i'm back on track and more will come soon 😙

Brady had a plan to bring Lela and Tanner back. Kind of. Well, he hoped so.

On paper, it seemed quite simple. He had spend weeks trying to think this through and through. First, he had tried to figure out what were the common points between the time Brady and Mack went to Wet Side Story and the time Lela and Tanner came into the real world.

Both journeys had needed either a board or a necklace with the flower symbol of friendship. The first time Mack and Brady went to and back from Wet Side Story, there was also a storm, which now seems kinda difficult to create. Besides, the point of all this is to bring Lela and Tanner here. Even if by some kind of miracle Brady managed to create a storm in both universes, he would not be able to let them know they had to jump right in.

Okay, so, the obvious solution was a board with the flower symbol. And what was Brady good at ?


All he had to do was make a board big enough for 4 people. Easy. And done quite quickly, actually. Proper motivation can work miracles. Then add the flower symbol right in the center of the board and go with the flow.  Hopefully.

It was time to find Mack.


"Okay, there it is. I tried to make it look the same as yours but strong enough to carry more than two people and-"

"Brady," interrupted Mack, "is this what I think it is ?"

"Well, yeah." Brady rubbed his neck. "We have like, three weeks before we have to move to Berkeley. I figured we might as well try and visit Lela and Tanner before we go. What do you think ?"

"Yeah, I'd love to. It's just, for some reason when you said you were working on it I thought you were trying to bring them here," she replied.

"Mack, I might be brilliant but this is a little bit out of my range," he said. "Besides, the last time they were here, people from the movie started to disappear."

Mack grabbed his hand and tugged, forcing him to bend his head down towards her.

"Hey, we'll figure something out when we're there, okay ?"

He smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that." He cleared his throat and met her gaze. "So, when do you want to go ?" he asked.

Mack smiled in return. "No time like the present."

They turned towards the waves.

"Come on, let's go tell Lela you want to have her babies."

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