Chapter 20

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"Goodnight Los Angeles!" Niall yelled into the microphone and they all walked off stage where I was. I was going to do it, I was thinking a lot about it and I finally decided that I should. "Great job guys!" I said smiling. Louis, Niall, Liam, and Harry all froze and looked at me seeing if they weren't hearing things. "Thanks!" Zayn said giving me a tight hug.

My stomach exploded with butterflies, I hugged back just as tight. "D-Did you just?" Liam asked looking very confused. "I must be dreaming." Harry said looking far away. I laughed a little bit, I mean I would be confused if I were them too. "Zayn helped me learn to speak again." I said smiling brightly. "That was unexpected." Niall breathed, then gave me a hug.

"Thank you." He said and I gotta say his hugs are probably one of the best hugs I have ever had. "Yup." I said, he must be thinking of my compliment to their concert. We pulled apart, "You guys really did do amazing." I said smiling, I can't remember the last time I smiled this much, it felt good. "Thanks!" Harry said giving me a big bear hug.

"No Problem." I said hugging back. Once Harry pulled away I was tackled to the ground, I look up to see of course Louis. "Thanks baby sis!" He said smirking. He knows I hate when he calls me that! I am only 4 years younger than him! It could be worse, and it be like 8 years apart. "Very funny." I groaned under his weight.

I pushed him off and stood back up to see him pouting. "You brought it to yourself." I said chuckling. "He stood up and walked to Harry sticking his tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue right back at him. We're strange siblings, we always did have a weird relationship. "Thanks, it means a lot." Liam said before giving me a quick hug.

It was about 11 o'clock when their show ended, "So what do you guys want to do now?" Harry asked on our way to the dressing room to get their stuff and leave. "I'm pretty tried, why don't we just head back to the hotel." Liam said yawning. I am tried too, I like the idea of sleeping right now.

Other guys nodded starting to change back to their regular clothes. I sat on the couch playing temple run on my iPod, but I kept dying. I yawned again, I thought I could just lay on the couch for a second. The next minute I was out like a light.

Zayn's Pov-

We finished getting dressed and I looked over to where Delilah was and saw her peacefully sleeping. She's so cute.

Why don't you ask her out? 

Because she doesn't like me!

How do you know until you ask?
Because she just doesn't!

Yes she does.

No, no she doesn't.

She does too. Just ask.

No! Now leave me alone.

I think I have gone crazy, I am talking to my head! "Zayn!" I hear Niall shout. "Huh? What?" I ask snapping out of my thoughts. "You were spacing out." Niall said and I see all the guys ready to go. "Yeah. While staring at Delilah." Harry said making kissy noises. "I don't like her." I said crossing my arms. "Yes you do." Niall jumps in. "No." " Yes!" Louis says excitedly.

"No." I grumbled. "Zayn mate, you really do." Liam says with his hand on my shoulder. "Ugh!" I groaned giving up. "Anyway we should get going it's late." Liam said looking at his phone. I looked at Delilah, she's looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake her, so instead I scooped her up in my arms. I turned around and all the boys are staring at me.

"What?" I asked confusedly. "You totally don't like her." Harry said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, and the guys walked out the door with me following. Suddenly as we got outside Delilah's arms hugged my chest causing me to smile. We went out the back door so fans and paps don't attack us. I set Delilah down in a seat next to me.

"Zayn? How did you get her to trust you?" I hear Louis ask as we started driving down the road. How did I get her to trust me? I didn't she, just opened up. "I didn't. She just kinda like started me." I said shrugging. I didn't get it, why would I need to get her to trust me? "Really?" Louis asked looking shocked. "Yeah..why?" I asked raising my right eye borrow.

"She has bad trust issues." He said quietly. Really? Delilah did? We pulled up to the hotel and jumped out of the car, I scooped her up into my arms again. We walked into the elevator and were quiet the whole time. I think it was just because we were so tried after our first show but also still so hyped up at the same time.

The elevator stopped at our floor and we piled out. "Night, mates." Louis said walking into his and Harry's room with Harry behind him who just waved. "Night." Liam said walking into his and Niall's room. "Night." I said walking into mine and Delilah's room. I closed the door with my foot. I walked into the bedroom and placed Delilah on the bed. I took off her shoes and got under the covers with her falling into a dark sleep.

Niall's Pov-

I watched as Zayn carried the most beautiful girl I have ever met into the room they shared....

A/N: A twist in the story!! What will happen?? Will Delilah fall for Niall, Zayn, or maybe even both?

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