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▸ Edited | Uploaded on: June 17, 2017 ◂

☆ two | Hanging out with Max  ☆

After math class it was time for lunch so you and Max headed to the cafeteria. "So what's for lunch?" You asked Max who was looking around not paying attention to you. "Don't know. Phoebe might though." Max replied still looking around. You were starting to get annoyed. "Can you at least look at me when we're talking." You snapped.

Max turned around. His chocolate eyes meeting your eyes. "Sorry. I was just looking for someone." Max explained. "Who?" You asked. You bet it was Allison. "Um don't be mad when I tell you, okay?" Max said. "I won't." You assured. "Okay I'm looking for Allison." He explained. You sighed.

'And to think I thought my plan was working' You thought. "Didn't I tell you to move on?"

"You did, but I kinda can't. I don't know. Allison is I don't know special so it's kinda hard to move on." Max admitted. "I get it." You replied. Max raised his eyebrow surprised. "You do?" Max asked. You nodded. "Yeah. I kinda had a crush on someone back home, but he didn't feel the same." You lied.

"Oh. Sorry."

"No it's okay. I'm over it. Anyway who is this Phoebe you talked about earlier?" You asked. "My twin sister." Max replied. "Twin sister?"

"Yeah I thought you would know about her since you know me." Max explained. You looked away awkwardly not knowing what to say. That's when a chocolate haired girl walked over to you and Max.

"Max. Who's this?"

"Um Y/N. This is Phoebe. Y/N, Phoebe." Max said. You shook hands. "You seem sweet. Why are you with Max?" She asked. You rolled your eyes and said, "He wanted to hang out with me."

"Oh. Makes sense."

Max sat down and you sat down next to him.

Phoebe sat opposite of you two.

You guys started talking. "So what do you know about Max?" Phoebe asked. "Well I know that Max is a superhero." You replied. "But she didn't know who you were." Max added. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

That's when Allison walked over to you guys. "Hey Pheebs, Y/N and Max." Allison said. "Hey Allison. Need something?" Phoebe asked.

"So I was wondering Y/N. Do you wanna be friends?" Allison asked. Before you could answer Max answered for you, "Yeah she does."

You sighed and said, "Um Allison if it's
okay with you. Can we talk in private?"

Allison smiled, "Sure."

You and Allison went to the bathroom. Luckily  nobody was there. "So Allison. You know Max likes you, right?" You asked. Allison nodded.

"Yes I do it's obvious."

"Well do you think you like him back?" You asked. Allison shook his head, "No why?"

You looked down and remembered what your father told you. "Oh you like Max don't you?" Allison asked. "Well I..." You said trying to think of something. Allison looked at you.

"Omg this is perfect. We need to make you totally different." Allison stated. "What?"

"More like me." Allison replied. "Um no thanks. How about this. I'll stay looking like me and you can just tell me what to say."

"Sure, I guess this is the start of a new friendship." Allison said. You nodded and did a fake smile. After that Allison and you left the bathroom. You went back to sitting at your table in the cafeteria.

Phoebe wasn't there when you sat down next to Max. "Phoebe had to help a teacher so it's just you and me." Max explained. "Guess it is."

"So what did you and Allison talk about?" Max asked. You looked at him before not saying anything and getting up. "Y/N?"

You threw your trash away and walked back to Max. You sighed. "Could you please stop talking about her." You declared. "Why? Are you jealous or something." Max asked. You looked at him in disbelief. "No I never get jelouse cause falling in love is stupid." You explained. "No it's not. Loving someone is a great thing especially if you stay together forever." Max explained. You wanted to puke at how cheesy Max sounded. "Trust me you always get hurt in the end." You replied. "How would you know you said you never fallen in love."

"But Allison doesn't even like you."

"Is that what you two talked about? Her not liking me." Max asked. You looked at him. He was upset and you felt bad. "You'll find someone Max." You reassured him. "I guess I should stop chasing a girl that doesn't like me." Max replied.

You felt something hurting you, but didn't know what it was. "Look Max. I know I just met you, but you can count on me for anything." You explained. Max smiled at you and your face heated up.

- End of the day -

You were at your locker putting your stuff in your backpack when Max approached you. "Hey Y/N." Max greeted. "Hi Max." You said closing your locker. "So your going home?"

You looked at him and said,
"No I'm going to detention."

"Really?" Max asked surprised. You nodded. "Yeah turns out you can't spray paint your locker." You said. Max looked at your locker and said, "Yep that's not coming out."

You put your backpack on. "Well I'll see you tomorrow." Max stated. "Yeah I guess."

You smiled at him and he smiled back before leaving. You walked to detention which was gonna be fun since it was your first time. When detetnion was finished you went home.

- Home -

"Where have you been?" Anthea asked you when you walked in. "Detention Anthea." You replied. "What about Max?"Anthea asked next.

"Well the plan is going as planned, but he likes a girl." You explained. "You can fix that, right?" Anthea asked. You nodded.

"Good, I don't want to disappoint father."

You rolled your eyes. "Me neither, but there is something different about Max."

Anthea looked at you. "Oh Y/N. Are you possibly really in love." Anthea teased. You didn't say anything and just glared at her.


• Author's Note •

Another update for you guys. Sorry it
took so long. I had to edit it and I was procrastinating a lot, but still hope you enjoyed also should I update again?

Help from the amazing JocelineRamirez9

~ Criticism is allowed not hate. Thank you ~

- Taylor

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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