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Paradise pov

Dan and I were in his car driving down the gloomy streets of London. I peered out of the window on the left side of the road. The ride was fairly quiet until we ended up outside of my house.

Dan: Do you want to put your rucksack in your room or do you want to go straight to the hospital and come back?

Paradise: Um, we can come back.

After that was said he drove off and we made our way to the hospital. My mom texted me the address beforehand.

Once we pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, Dan got out and opened my door unbuckling my seatbelt as we went to the front desk of the visitors side of the building.

I got up to the desk and asked a for we nurse for the name 'Naomi Jordan'. Yep, that's my mom's name and my weirs last name. She gave Dan and I the room number. Luckily she was on the first floor.

When we got to the room my mom was lying in the hospital bed with an IV in her arm and she looked like she was sleeping. It broke my heart to see her look so lifeless. I wanted to be alone with her so I told Dan.

Paradise: Hey Dan, do you mind stepping outfit a second? I want to be alone with my mom for a minute.

I said quietly.

Dan: I don't mind, I'll be in the waiting room.

He kissed my forehead and flashed a smile before leaving the room. I moved to her bed and held her hand. She woke as soon as I lightly squeezed it.

Mom: Honey? Oh Paradise is that you?

She asked squinting her eyes. I smiled and nodded.

Paradise: Mom I've missed you. Are you okay?

Really Paradise? You ask a dumb question? Of course she's not okay, she's in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine. My thoughts said.

Mom: Yeah hum, I'm alright. Just a bit weak.

Paradise: Okay good. I was so worried m about you last night, I barely could sleep...

Mom: I'm sorry that you couldn't sleep, I didn't know it would affect you like that. But how was your friend? Did her parents bring you here?

Oh shit! She's on to me... I was nervous and my palms were sweating like balls. I blushed then cracked a small smile.

Paradise: O-oh y-yeah she's fine, u-uhm yeah her parents brung me here but they are still in the parking lot. They'll take me home once I'm done visiting.

I explained my lie and she believed me.

Mom: Okay then. Well I'm going to get some rest and I'll see you whenever.

She said with a chuckle. Thank God she didn't see through my lie.

Paradise: Okay mom.

Mom: Goodbye sweetheart. I love you. Call me once your home.

Paradise: O-okay.

I stuttered, because I'm scared of being in a house alone. I know I know I sound like a baby but some scary movies creep me out and leave me paranoid. I'll have to ask Dan to stay. Only if he wants. I kissed my mom's cheek and gave her a hug before leaving the room.

Dan's pov

I was sitting in the waiting room and I seen something that caught my eye. There was a teen that looked the same age as Paradise and I seen the teen with her father that looked about my age. I could tell it was her father because when he got her a snack out of the snack machine she said 'thanks dad'.

Wow, I thought. This is how I wanted to treat Paradise and how I'm supposed to treat her. Tears fired in my eyes but didn't slide down my cheeks as the teen and her father left the hospital. Why, did I treat Paradise as a 'girlfriend' knowing she's not? Why did I have strong feelings towards a teen? All these thoughts ran through my head and I must've zoned out as I felt Paradise shaking me slightly.

Paradise: Dan? Are you okay? You kinda zoned out there.

She laughed. That cute laugh... No! Dan what are you thinking? She's 15 for fucks sake!

I smiled at her but then my smile fell. I became rather upset because Paradise was right... our little 'secret' can turn out into a mess, I can go to prison and her a carehome. I wouldn't want that at all.

She reached for my hand but I removed it from where she wanted to reach from. I gave her a weak smile then got up and walked fastly out of the hospital. Wow great going Dan, you freaked out and now she thinks your weird. My thoughts convinced me as she followed me out into the parking lot. We stood there for a while until she broke the silence.

Paradise: Dan? Where are you going?

Dan: Home.

I said bluntly.

Paradise: W-why?

Dan: Because we can't do this Paradise. Your too young and I'm a 29 year old weird, nerdy, loser.

She started sobbing so I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her.

Dan: Shh it's okay. Your alright.

Paradise looked up at me.

Paradise: Dan can we go home?

Dan: Sure sweetheart.

I kissed her soft lips and kept her in my arms.

It's a Wild World for a teen |D.S| (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now