Chapter 4: Scott Uley

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Last period was finally over. The Bell rang and everyone got up and hurried out of the classroom.

As I did the combination on my locker, I thought of how much I couldn't wait to see this movie. Horror flicks scared the shit out of me, but I'd be ok watching it with my best friend. Smiling, I closed my locker and turned towards the exit of the building.

My smile faded however when I saw Jennifer walking down the hallway with Lindsay and her posse of bimbos.

"Hey Jennifer!" I called,  walking down towards her. She and I needed to chat.

Jennifer looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"What the hell do you want," Lindsay snapped at me. I ignored her.

"Yeah, what do you want," Jennifer asked,  rolling her eyes at me.

"I wanted to tell you that you were a real bitch to Devin today. You basically humiliated him in front of the entire class when he did absolutely nothing to deserve it."I said fiercely.

"Oh," laughed Jennifer, "so you're his mother now?" Lindsay and the other girls snickered.

I reached out and grabbed Jennifer by the ear, hooking two of my fingers in her good hoop earring.

Jennifer hissed in pain, her eyes widening. Lindsay and the rest of hey posse watched us in suprise and fascination.

"No," I snarled. "I'm his best friend and if you ever do anything like that to him again, I will make you regret it. Do you understand me?"I pulled a little more of her earring to prove my point.

"Let me go,  Erica!!" She hissed.

"I said do you understand me?!"

"Fine! Yes!"

"Good." I smiled and released her. "Run along now."

Jennifer glared as rubbed her ear and with that, she and her clique stalked off.

I caught up with Devin about 5 minutes later.

"Hey!" I said, grinning. "Ready to see Insidious 2?"

"You know it. ..I love horror flicks." Devin smiled. "Hey, you seem like you're in a good mood."

"I am. Life is good."

"Okay, " He chuckled. "What'd you do?"

"Who says I did anything?"

"Cmon, Erica. We've been best friends forever. I know you like the palm of my hand. Something you did has got you in a good mood and I wanna know what it is."

"Well, "I began as he and I headed out to the parking lot. "Let's just say Jennifer and I had a little chat."

"Oh boy," Devin laughed. "That can't be good. "

I was about to respond when a guy came up to us.

"Um,  Erica?"

I looked up to see Scott Uley in front of us. He was Captain of the basketball team. A lot of girls were into him. Me, not so much. I mean, he was handsome and he had a reputation for being amazing in bed, but he always struck me as the player type.

"Hey Scott," I smiled, politely. "What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to know if you'd be interested in maybe hanging out sometime."

Wow. That was unexpected. "Um,  hanging out?"

"Yeah. Like going out to eat or just, you know, chilling." He flashed his gorgeous smile. Most girls would melt like butter. I however, was not most girls.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked him. The latest school gossip was that he and Claire were dating. Or at least, that she was the last girl he'd hooked up with.

"Oh, you mean Claire? Um, no,"he said shaking his head. "I'm actually single despite the rumors otherwise. "

"Oh, um okay,  why not?"I said. It couldn't hurt to spend some time with Scott.

"Today then?"

"Oh no,"I said,  shaking my head." Devin and I are going to catch a movie."

Scott looked at Devin. "She your girlfriend?"

"No," Devin and I said in unison.

"Yeah, we're best friends," I told Scott.

"Coolness," Scott said,  turning back to me.

"Well how about I get your number and maybe we can hook something up."

"Yeah,  sure" I programmed my number into his iPhone 6.

"Well, I'll see you around, Erica," Scott told me with a friendly smile.

"Bye Scott,"I waved as Devin and I started walking again.

"Well he's definitely got the hots for you,"Devin said.

"Really? You think?"

"Yeah, of  course. I know Scott. He's not the type to go up to girls. He lets them pursue him, sleeps with them and then goes on to the next."

"And this is a guy I'm supposed to be excited about?"

Devin laughed. "Just give him a chance. Let me know if he tries anything on you though."

"Will do,"

With that said, Devin and I Got into his car, tossed our backpacks in the trunk and drove off to the movie theater.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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