Chapter 3: Drama

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I was casually walking down the hall on my way to second period when I bumped into someone. Naturally, I immediately began to apologize but then I realized it was Jennifer.

"Watch where you're going, Erica," She snapped.

"Now, I think the polite version of that would be 'you bumped me'" I corrected snidely. God, I hated this bitch. I hoped she got hit by a bus like Regina George from Mean Girls.

"Whatever," Jennifer flicked her hair and continued down the hall. Laughing to myself, I strolled into my second hour and took a seat next to Devin.

"Hey, Erica."

"Hey," I grinned.

"Did you do Mr. Bells homework?"

"Yeah... You?" Knowing Devin, he'd probably want to copy.

"Can I see?"

I sighed and handed him the sheet. "You know, I can always help you with homework after school if you want," I offered.

"Nah, I'm good," Devin hated homework. "But I have been wanting to see that movie with you. Insidious 2."

"You know I hate horror flicks," I laughed. "But I'll go see it with you."

"Devin, I thought we were going to the movies," Jennifer said angrily as she sat behind him.

He turned to look at her. "Yeah, babe, we are. But you know that Erica and I always go to the movies once a month."

"Fine,"She huffed. "It's not like I care."

"Jenny, don't be like that, cmon." Devin placed a hand on her arm.

Jennifer jerks away. "Don't call me Jenny! I'm not 2 years old! God, Devin, you seriously need to work on being a better boyfriend. You suck. I'm getting sick of your shit!"

Devin's face crumbled and he looked shocked and hurt.

I gaped at Jennifer in disbelief.  I couldn't believe her. The whole class was watching the scene unfold.

A girl named Taylor began laughing. "Haha, Devin,  that's what you get."

Pretty soon,  the whole class began laughing while Jennifer folded her arms with a satisfied smirk.

Devin got up and angrily stormed from the class just as Mr. Bell entered. He looked at Devin in suprise and then shook it off heading to the front of the class.

I got up and ran out. "Devin!" I called. He was halfway down the hall. "Wait up."

He turned around and I ran to catch up with him. "Devin, I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault, "He said. "But I don't get it, I'm the best boyfriend. I call, I hang out with her and I'm there when she needs me. And now all because I decide to spend some time with you, my best friend, she acts like that makes me a terrible person."

"Devin, there are many girls who would kill to be with a guy like you. If Jennifer doesn't realize what an amazing guy you are, then she doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'll call her later and try to patch things up." Devin ran a hand through his wavy hair.

He should really just drop the bitch,  but it wasn't my place to say that. "If you dont wanna go to the movies anymore, I'll understand."I told him.

"No," Devin shook his head. "No, you're my best friend and we always go to the movies every month. It's been our tradition since freshmen year. We're going."

I smiled.

"Erica, you have the most beautiful smile."

"Thanks," I blushed. "I gotta get back to class. I'll see you after school."

"Okay...we still on for Insidious 2?"

I grinned and nodded. "You bet."

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