Escape plan

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Olivia felt herself coming back into reality. She looked around, noticing she was still in the vault but in a very small room. She felt the cold, Metallica floor beneath her hands as she straightened her body off the ground. The room was the size of a closet with a mirror on one wall.

Olivia could finally see her appearance. Her green eyes almost seemed to glow on her pale face. Her face almost seemed like a white white mango with blush on her cheeks. She had been born with it and got a lot of attention for it from the other boys her age, which weren't too many. Her hair was shining like an insects carapace and dark like the night sky.

Before she could continue to scrutinize her appearance a loud voice erupted from the ceiling.
Olivia jumped from the loud noise and helped involuntarily. She replied quietly still in shock.
"I don't know... He's my big brother. He's always done what he's wanted since..."
She paused and held her breath.
Olivia stayed silent crouching in the corner. She wanted to go back to before. She didn't like the loud voice.
Olivia screamed out in pain feeling a shot of pain through her rear.
Olivia sobbed in the corner, feeling her inner emotions churning in pain. Another jolt of pain shot through her whole body for even longer than before. "WHAT HAPPENED OLIVIA?!"
Olivia barely spurted the words out between her tears, trying to not break the emotional dam she was holding inside.
"When Dad died!"
Olivia's tears rolled down her eyes and dripped onto her her vault jumpsuit.

Carson finished up the note and tried his best to create a letter in Jim's words. The overseer looked over Carson's shoulder and nodded in approval. He nabbed the note from Carson's hands and pocketed it.
"That is all Carson."
Carson narrowed his brown eyes in suspicion at the overseer.
"What do you plan on doing with my brother then?"
"You'll know."
Carson's chest burned at the thought of the overseer killing his brother. He glared at the overseer as the man walked out the door. The other man with the different jumpsuit then approached Carson and stuck the bag over his head again.

Jim cocked his eyebrow in confusion at the man above him. The man had eye bags that stretched a mile off his face. His eyes were green and surrounded by bloodshot vessels snaking across the whites of his eyes. The man's vault suit looked like it had been through a labor camp from all the tears and scuffs on it.
Jim felt afraid the man would eat him for a moment before the man spoke up.
"What'd they send you in here for boy?"
"I told the overseer how much I hated him."
"That's it?" The man looked at Jim unimpressed.
"Well what'd you get put in here for?"
"I told the people of the vault why we're all in here." The man's face began to darken as he spoke. "I told them that this is all just a dictatorship and that we need to revolt. The overseer figured it out and stuck me in here. Then forced me to watch all the people I convinced get brain wiped or shot right in front of me."
Jim's  eyes widened in surprise. He never had a good feeling about the overseer in the first place but this was just outrageous.
"But I have developed an idea of how to get out of here."
Jim immediately responded with haste.
"Really? Good. I've been tired of this place."
"Well the idea of this will be quite difficult to go with."
"Whys that?" Jim asked
"Well... Because... I'm gonna need you to do something... Different"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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