new years in the 1900's (boyf riends)

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genre: uhm im not even sure, a lil frisky i guess (not much)

ship: boyf riends

p.o.v: jeremy/third person

length: like 1,400-1,500 words

edited?: no, not yet anyways, sorry (may end up rewriting it idk)

December 31st, 1919, new york, new york

Jeremy nearly lost his temper at the rugged vehicle that crossed his path. Refraining from showcasing any rude hand symbols he focused on the snow that was now piling against the ground in thin layers. Men and women bustled around in thick wool coats of all lengths and colours, showcasing shiny oxfords and little heels.

Lights flickered every twenty feet, illuminating the ground below. Jeremy walked up to the stairs that lead down to one of the newer subway systems. He shivered with delight to get out from under the snows heavy fall. He walked down the steps quickly, his shoes clicking harshly against the tile, very much like his mother's tongue used to when she scolded him. He bought a ticket from the odd man at the ticket booth, he says odd as he had a braided beard, and loaded onto the first subway car possible. After about twenty minutes of tedious travel he exited the car and left the system, going back out into the unforgiving chilly weather.

As he exited he made a rush for the tall building in front of him, barely making it pass a car. He should probably look both ways before crossing from now on.

He pushed open the heavy golden doors and walked straight to the elevator, selecting floor ten.

As the platform rose, he watch the needle pass the numbers labels along the semi-circle-dial. As he exited the doors he was greeted with fast paced swing music, which he was sure he had heard before, (maybe let's dance, or in the mood?) He pushed his way into the crowd. He ran into someone,  shoving them both over and onto the floor.

"Oh my, i'm, so so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!"

Jeremy watched the boy in the red tweed jacket below him apologise before standing up and offering him a hand. As the boy stood, he noticed he was a good head beneath him, the boy looked up, "I should've saw you! you're like," He raised his hand up as high as possible, as if to exaggerate a point he had yet to make, "really, really, tall!"

Jeremy laughed, "Its fine, I have a bad habit of not looking out."

The boy just nodded, "Do you know the host?"

"I do, very well! I would hope so I mean, he is my dad."

The boy in the red tweed jacket blushed, "He's your dad?! Oh god, please don't make him fire my friend, I didn't mean to make you fall!"

"Oh god, don't worry, It's no big deal!" Jeremy adjusted his blue suit jacket, "Who do you know here?"

"Oh, uh, my friend actually works for your dad, i'm just the plus one." He smiled solemnly.

"Ah yes, well i'll see you around plus one! Happy new year!"

"Happy new year." Replied the boy, almost sounding sad.

And with that Jeremy walked over to where he saw Christine out of the corner of his eye. He was sure tonight was the night to finally woe her.

December 31st, 1920, new york, new york

Jeremy danced around the crowd excitedly, having own drink too many, and far beyond tipsy. He was now dressed in a fresh and new blue suit, (this one had tails!) spinning wildly as to show it off. He stopped spinning when he accidentally hit a poor passerby with on if his flailing arms.

boyf riends  / tree bros  / kleinsen - oneshot bookWhere stories live. Discover now