This is a basic rant book where I'm discussing controversial topics in our society today. Might include some culture sensitive topics so beware lmfao. Enjoy these rants.
So ladies and gentleman, welcome to controversy. Here I will be ranting about different topics that you might be embarrassed to bring up around your coworkers, friends, or family but it all gets said here. Hold back no truths for it shall set you free.. Although it doesn't always work that way for some people.
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I have been saying for sometime to this ignorant generation of millennials that we are surrounded by, especially the females, that hair is there to protect you. like deadass? The hair in your nostrils, your ears, on your fricking vagina. It protects you from airborne diseases and contaminates that can infect and/or kill you. I'm also positive that they've stated this pure fact in health class or sexual education but for some reason society has brainwashed these children into chasing after an unrealistic image that can only be achieved by near death. But please, shave all you want ladies that is fine by me but do not cry wolf to someone after you have been warned. It's about personal preference. But to those ignorant niggas who want a bald bitch except on her head but their whole body is covered in hair like a gorilla? This is for you.
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Fellas, when are you all going to quit being so brainwashed? I'm sure that the young man who posted this tweet,is a sweet young man raised by a mother who probably got more hair on her vagina than he has on his upper lip (no offense to the mother lol seriously). Who qualified you to determine whether or not someone can participate in sexual relations if they do not shave themselves bald, bleach to have an even tone, or do not have perfectly pink vagina? Boy you have hair covering your privates yet you want a girl to shave bald and risk everything over your shrimp? Please try again elsewhere. I want to book a dick appointment (DA) and tell him that he has to get out because he has hair on his balls.