Chapter 16

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     The yacht that Tom had chartered for them was beautiful.  When they got there around 11, the small group was greeted by the crew and given mimosas, as well as a quick tour of the space.  It was larger than any boat Emie had ever been on.  And fancier than she had expected.  Tom had really gone all out. The exterior was all white, with built in chaise lounges under a shady area, as well as plenty of room for lying out on the deck to suntan.  The interior was complete with a big, sunny living space and dining area.  There were three cabins off the living area.
       “Tom, this is perfect.” Lucia gushed, setting her overnight bag on a couch in the living area.
       “I’m glad you approve.” He smiled.  Emi hadn’t quite been able to take her eyes off of him since he’d shown up at the dock that morning, looking ridiculously handsome in sunglasses, a light blue tshirt and jeans.  He was dressed much more casually than she normally saw him, and it was nice.
       After they had made it back to Emie’s room the night before, Tom had kissed her briefly and then said goodnight.  The kiss had been quick and rather innocent.  It had surprised Emie.  She’d expected him to ask to come inside, or to prolong their time together.  But, he had simply bid her goodnight and then disappeared.  After she’d gotten over the shock, and yes, the disappointment, Emie had been glad to have the time alone.  She had needed the time alone. 
       She couldn’t stop thinking about what Chris had said to her.  Some things didn’t need rules.  Some things could exist on their own, without having to be worried about.  And then she thought about Tom.  He was so completely different.  He was unique and refreshing.  She felt like he was genuine and so unlike the men she’d met and dated in the past.  So unlike her last relationship.  She hadn’t slept much that night, but she’d done a lot of thinking. 
       “Why don’t we get settled in our rooms and then we can go to the deck and have brunch?” Tom suggested.  He was holding his overnight bag, as well as Emie’s which he had insisted on carrying.  Chris was already at the bar, mixing up more drinks for them.
       “Sounds great.” Emie said.  They split off, each taking a room.  Lucia and Chris took the biggest room by the front of the boat.  Emie took the one next to theirs, and Tom took the one farthest in the back.  The rooms weren’t huge, but nicely furnished and surprisingly luxurious.  Right behind Emie’s bed, there were big, horizontal windows showing a breathtaking view of only turquoise blue water and equally blue sky.  Emie started slowly opening up cabinets, and checking out the space.  One wall cabinet had a small television and some shallow drawers.  She closed those and then opened another door, which turned out to be a small, empty closet.  She dropped her bag on her bed, noticing it was rather close to the ground.  Emie opened a few more drawers, shutting them idly.  She walked over to the last door that was just to the side of her bed.  She opened it, expecting another closet and instead found a half naked man.
       Not just any half naked man.  It was Tom.
       Emie gasped, a tiny mouse like noise escaping from her mouth as she stood with the door wide open.  It was not a closet.  It was a door that was adjoining to Tom’s room.  His back had been to her, and she got an eyeful of broad, strong shoulders.  When he heard the door open, he simply turned around and raised an eye brow at Emie’s rather stunned face.
       “Rather forward of you, but I don’t really mind.  Hello.” He said with a grin, putting his hands on his narrow hips.  He was still wearing his pants, but the sight of his bare chest in broad day light still had Emie a bit tongue tied.  She had felt that chest with her own hands, but it had been rather dark on the plane, and she had been quite delirious at the time.  Now…now…she could take in the smooth muscular chest and the abs that she had only felt before.  His shoulders were wide and nicely formed.  He had a some chest hair that matched the dirty blond of his hair, and oh god…were there freckles on his shoulders?  Emie felt her stomach flip.  Her eyes moved slightly lower and she noticed that the top button and fly of his pants were hanging open slightly as if he were literally about to step out of his pants.  She caught a glimpse of dark boxer briefs.  She blinked.
       “I’m sorry.  I thought this was a closet.” She blurted out, finding her voice.  She promptly turned and shut the door, right in his face. 
       “Holy shit.” She breathed softly, suddenly feeling like a completely ridiculous, naive teenager.  She heard what sounded like laughing on the other side, and that suddenly made her quite angry.  She wasn’t a stupid teenager.  She could handle seeing a man without his shirt on.
       Emie whirled around, opening the door again.  This time Tom was wearing only his boxers.  He had obnoxiously long legs and…
       “Hello again.” He said, looking a bit more perplexed.  She gasped and promptly slammed the door shut.
       She stood with her back against the door, trying to calm herself down.  This wasn’t normal.  She turned back around and opened the door again, and this time, she was met with Tom.  He filled the door frame. He was right there, still bare chested and wearing only his boxers.  He took a step forward, into her room.
       “Oh.” Emie breathed.  And then they fell together, Tom moving surprisingly fast, his hands coming up to cradle her face.  She wrapped her arms around him, her hands hungry to touch his bare skin.  He was hot, and hard and seemed to overwhelm the space.  Her room had seemed spacious a minute ago, and now it seemed there was nowhere to go.  They bumped into the night tables first, and then Emie felt her calves press up against the side of the bed.  Tom kissed her passionately, as if his urgency was spilling over from holding back the night before.  Emie touched him wherever she could, and then braced herself against his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, setting her feet slowly onto the bed.  Since the bed was only a foot or two off the ground, this set her just a bit taller than Tom.  He looked up at her, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
       “You look beautiful from up there.” He said softly.  Emie blushed. She would believe him if he told her the sky was green.
       “You don’t look so bad from down there.” She reached down, gently stroking from his cheekbone to his angular jaw.  Tom closed his eyes, pressing his cheek into her hand.  Emie felt her heart beat a bit faster.  She wondered if she’d ever get used to looking into that face.  She smoothed her fingers over his eyebrows, and then again over his prominent cheekbones.  She leaned down, pressing light kisses to his closed eyelids.  He kept his arms wrapped around her waist, his chin leaning gently against her breast bone.  When she pulled back, ever so slightly, he opened his eyes.  She was caught off guard, slightly, by their color.  That smoky gray blue with just a hint of sea foam green.  Emie licked her lips, and then leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips, then trailing off slowly, brushing her mouth against the slightly rough stubble on his cheeks.
       “Who needs brunch. Let’s stay here.” He said softly.  Emie smiled, then giggled.
       “No.  I need brunch.  I get hangry if I don’t eat.” She said leaning forward and pulling him into a hug.  Tom grabbed her, lifting her off the bed again, and hugging her tightly as he set her gently onto the floor.
       “Hangry?” He asked with a laugh.
       “Hungry and angry.” She grinned.  “You wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry.” She tried not to look down, tried to avoid the fact that he was still standing in front of her in his underwear.  
       Tom laughed and nodded.
       “I’ll see you outside? I’m going to go…put on some swim shorts.” He raised an eyebrow.  She blushed.
       “Ok.” She smiled.  Tom closed the door between their rooms.  Emie sighed, feeling a bit flushed.  Oh, this was going to be a long two weeks. 

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