Chapter 27

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 “Darling, don’t you know you’re everything to me?” Tom whispered this in Emie’s ear, his mouth brushing her cheek.  He took a step back, his eyes looking more pale gray than blue in the early morning light.  They were walking the beach, the morning air cool and damp. Emie’s head felt light, as if she were floating along, weightless.
       “Come, love.” Tom said, taking her hand.  She followed him, walking along side of him for a few steps.  She felt her heart beating, her breath felt shallow, as if she couldn’t quite catch it.  He squeezed her hand and then let go, moving a bit faster down the sandy shore.
       Emie watched as Tom walked slowly down the beach.  He was wearing her favorite white button down shirt and dark dress pants.  He had the sleeves of the shirt rolled up, exposing his long, lean arms.  It reminded her of the first night they met, at the engagement dinner.  He turned, looking over his shoulder at her, his light hair ruffled in the wind.
       “Darling, come on.” He said, his voice wavering in the wind. Emie broke into a jog, moving to catch up with him.  Tom laughed then, and turned to start jogging as well.  Emie laughed, soundlessly, her breath catching in the wind.  She started running, but she couldn’t quite catch up to him.  His long legs were carrying him faster than she seemed to be able to move.  She kept moving though, as Tom’s figure kept getting farther and farther away.
       Emie opened her mouth, forming his name with his mouth, but then nothing came out.  She kept running though she was out of breath, her lungs burning, her legs on fire.  Her head swam, as if in a fog.  She tried again.  Tried yelling his name, but he was now just a small figure, almost out of view.  Nothing came out of her mouth.  She slowly came to a stop and then fell onto her knees in the sand.  Tom. Tom. Tom.
       “Emie.” The voice came again, over her shoulder.  She turned around quickly.  It was Tom.  She felt the weight of his hand, firm on her shoulder.
       “I’m here, love.  I’m here.” He said.
       Emie’s eyes shot open in the dark.  For a moment, she felt completely paralyzed.  It took her at least a few moments to realize she’d been dreaming, again.  Tom’s voice had been so real, she had to convince herself that she was alone in the room and he wasn’t hiding somewhere in the shadows.
       She sprawled on her back, staring up at the ceiling.  It was dark out still, and her room was an inky dark blue.  She laid there for a minute, waiting for her heart rate to return to normal.  It wasn’t quite as bad as the nightmare she’d had the other night, but something about this dream made her stomach roll and pitch.  This dream was heart breaking in a different way.
       Emie turned and looked at the clock.  It was nearing 5 am.  She sat up, knowing full well she wasn’t getting back to sleep.  She felt a bit spooked by how real her dreams had been lately. 
       After they had finished up the gift bags, Emie, Lucia and Erica had said goodnight to each other.  It hadn’t been all that late, so Emie had taken a walk on the beach by herself.  There was always something so soothing about the beach.  The soft rushing of the waves, the salty, fresh air.  She’d walked for quite some time, thinking about what Lucia and her aunt had said. She knew there was truth to their words.  They were the two people in her life that she knew always had her back.  But no matter how truthful their words were, it didn’t make things that much simpler.  Even if she gave in, and gave Tom a chance, there were still so many questions she had.  Nothing was black and white.  Everything was a muddled gray, and Emie felt like she was being pulled in so many different directions.
       She’d gone back to her suite that night and fallen almost instantly to sleep, which surprised her now.  But she knew it was her body’s way of telling her just how exhausted she was, physically and emotionally.
       Slipping out of bed, Emie noticed that her phone was blinking.  She turned it on, and was surprised to see she had a missed call and a few text messages. The call was from a number she didn’t recognize, as were the texts.  She opened the text messages and frowned.
       Hi Emie.  It’s Kevin.  We need to talk.  Please call me back.
        Emie stared at the first message. Kevin? Her ex Kevin? It was the only Kevin she knew, and she had deleted his number long ago from her phone, after they had briefly reunited a few years ago and she’d found out what a jerk he had turned into.  Curiosity peaked her interest and she looked at the other texts from him.
       Emie, it’s really important.  Please call me.
       Emie, we need to talk.
       Emie shook her head, wondering what he could possibly say to her.  The last time they had spoken, she was pretty sure she’d thrown a book at his head.  It had been after he’d begged her to ask Lucia to get him into some after party.  He’s said it was his chance to network and try and get a part he’d really been going after.  Everything had become crystal clear to Emie after that conversation.  Kevin hadn’t suddenly returned to her life because it had been meant to be and he was her one true love.  He’d returned because he was a fame hungry whore, and was looking for handouts wherever he could find them.
       Emie deleted the messages.  She didn’t want to see them.  She put her phone back on the nightstand and walked out to her small sitting area.  There was no way she was going to deal with Kevin and all his drama right now.  She had enough on her plate. 
       Sitting down on the plush armchair, Emie reached over and grabbed a box out of her purse.  Before she had left Lucia’s bungalow, Lucia had given her a DVD to watch.
       “It’s Chris and Tom.  Watch it.” Lucia had grinned, shoving it into Emie’s bag.  Emie had protested, rolling her eyes, but she hadn’t given it back.  Now, in the quiet darkness of the early morning, Emie slipped the movie into the DVD player and waited.
       Emie watched the first half an hour of the movie without even moving.  She was entranced by the fact that she was watching Tom, but not really.  The movie wasn’t something she’d normally watch.  It was one of the superhero movies that she’d seen shots of in Lucia’s magazine.   She knew that Chris and Tom had done a few of these.  Tom was amazing in it.  She couldn’t pull her eyes away from the screen when he was on.
       It was a bit shocking at first.  His character in the movie was the complete opposite of him.  Wounded, angry, volatile and confused.  But everyone once in a while, he would make a face or move in a way that was one hundred percent Tom.  A mannerism, a gesture.  Tom was in there somewhere.  Beneath make up, leather and metal costumes.  Emie shifted in the chair, amazed at what he could do.  She’d seen Chris act before in other movies.  She’d seen her sister in all her movies she’d made.  But seeing Tom in this light…it was sort of amazing.  Actually, it was completely amazing.  He was fantastic.
       She settled in, her eyes glued to the television.  Another half hour must have passed, and she was so entranced that she didn’t even hear the knock on her door.  She didn’t realize anyone was even there until she heard the door knob moving, and saw the French door start to swing open.  She jumped out of the chair, frantically looking around for the remote.  Where was the remote?
       “Em?” Tom asked, hesitantly.  His head appeared, popping just into the room.  Emie froze, her eyes wide as he spotted her, standing in the middle of the room wearing only her undies, his movie blaring on the television in front of her.
       “Tom!” She yelped, and then rushed forward, mashing the buttons on the television until it mercifully turned off.  Tom stood still, only his head visible at the doorway, his mouth partly open.
       “Did I…interrupt something?” He asked after a beat.  Emie swallowed, and then crossed her arms over her chest.
       “No.” She managed.  He gave her a look, and then stepped into her room.  He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and comfortable looking shorts, with flip flops.  So casual.
       “What were you watching?” He asked, staying by the door.  Emie shrugged.
       “Nothing. Just a movie.”
       “Were you watching Thor?” He asked, his voice hiding amusement.  Emie shook her head, slowly.
       “I don’t even know they made a Thor movie.  I just thought he was a mythological god.” She took a step back and Tom took a step forward.
       “They did make a Thor movie.  I was in it, oddly enough.” He raised an eyebrow. 
       “Tom, you should knock, you know.  It’s really early.” She managed.
       “I know, I apologize.  But I did knock.  A lot.” He took another step forward.
       “And then you just barged in? I’m…I’m in my pajamas.”
       “Those aren’t pajamas, darling.  That’s just your underwear.” He grinned, and then reached over to the arm chair she had been sitting on and pulled the throw off the back of it.  He draped it around her shoulders, covering her up.  Emie gripped the ends of the blanket, and just watched him, her heart pounding.
       “Lucia gave it to me.” She said glancing at the television.  Tom reached over and pressed the “on” button.  Since it was a DVD, the movie was still playing.  Funnily enough, it was right at a part where Tom was screaming at another character.  Tom made a face, pulling back his lips and grimacing and then shut off the television again.
       “Yup, that’s me alright.” He laughed. He turned to Emie who still hadn’t moved.
       “You’re really great.” She said simply.  He gave her a small smile. 
       “Thank you.”
       “I see why people make such a fuss over you.” She said softly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.  Tom frowned, his brow creased.
       “Ah, it’s taken you long enough.” He grinned and let out a little laugh.  Emie smiled, and pushed him gently on the arm.
       “Wow, you’re humble too.” She joked.  Tom nodded, and then was suddenly serious.
       “I’m really sorry about yesterday, Em.  I came to apologize for being pulled away for work.” His eyes were sincere as he moved ever so slightly closer to her.
       “It’s okay.  I know you’re busy.”
       “Right, but I hate that you had to leave like that.  It was a big mess.  There was talk about me going back to LA to do some reshoots and some interviews, but I managed to avoid it.  I’ll have a lot to do when I get back though.” He sat down on the edge of the chair and Emie sat across from him on the sofa.
       “I see. “ She hesitated, but then kept going.  “You work a lot.”
       “I do.” He said simply.  There wasn’t any denying it.
       “Do you get tired?”
       “Sometimes.  But I know this business is fleeting and fickle.  I need to seize opportunities when I can.  I’m not wasting any time.” He explained.  Emie nodded.
       “You’re so talented, Tom.  I don’t think you’ll have to worry about a lack of work.  Ever.” She said softly.  He smiled, and laughed softly.
       “Thank you, Em.  You know I’m doing Shakespeare in London.  You could come see me there. I’ll be there for quite a few months.” He said this quickly.  Emie looked up at him, her eyes meeting his.  He said it light heartedly, but she saw something behind his eyes.  Something much more.  Perhaps she was reading in to it too much.
       “I’d love to see your play.” She smiled.  He nodded, and then looked away.
       “Well, let me know.” He stood up then, seeming to put an end to that conversation.  He walked back over to the French doors, and paused.
       “Tom, why did you come here?” She asked, curious.  It was so early still.
       “I woke up.” He turned and looked at her.  “I woke up and I’d had this insane dream about you.” He said this and Emie felt a chill run down her back.  She swallowed.
       “You did?”
       “Yes.  And I had to see you.” He pressed his lips together and then shrugged.  Emie nodded.
       “What happened in the dream?” She asked, frowning.
       “You were running away from me. That’s all I remember.” He stood at her door for a second, paused, and then turned and left.

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