Chapter 42

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A/N: Not much more, guys.  I think about 3 or 4 chapters until the end.  *tear* What will I do without Tom and Emie to write about?!! Sigh.  So, bittersweet.  I can't believe it'sgone this far, to be honest.  I've really, really, really loved writing this story. I have the ending basically written, but I'm dying to know how you guys think it will end....

Thank you so much for every comment and like, it has kept me going-- so many people have been freaking awesome, I couldn't list them all. 

Big thanks to my ladies @vintagehouse, @bluebell84, @RedWritingHood09.  They have kept me laughing, and been my proof reader, fact checkers and Tomspiration givers (whatever that is).  Go read all their stuff! Also, I've been reading a great Tom fic called "Wren & Oysters" by @briana_dawn, so check that out!

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

            Emie pulled a lightweight sweater on, and stood in front of her mirror.  She stared at her reflection, not smiling, not really doing much of anything.  What she saw surprised her, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on why.  The woman staring back at her looked like a stranger.  She had the same dirty blond hair, and clear blue eyes, but her face had changed.  She looked wary, distant.  All the late night runs she’d been taking over the past two months had changed her body as well.  She’d formed hard, strong muscles in her legs, and her torso and face had thinned out.  Most of her clothes were a size or two too big, but she still wore most of them.  She wasn’t really trying to impress anyone.

       She didn’t hate the change she saw, but she knew that it was a direct effect of her life the last few months.  It hadn’t been easy.  It hadn’t always been terrible, but it wasn’t usually fun either. 

       She yanked at the sweater, which hung off her frame, and then swept her hair back into a messy bun.

       “Emie? Are you ready?” Lucia poked her head into Emie’s small room.  Lucia looked flawless, as usual, in a cream colored cashmere sweater, with a long, light golden colored flowing skirt.  She hadn’t started to show just yet, but Emie knew she looked even more beautiful because of the pregnancy.

       “Yup. Ready, little mama.” Emie didn’t have to force a smile.  When she was around Lucia, it naturally happened.  Lucia laughed, instinctually putting her hands on her still flat stomach.  They had only found out a week ago, and Lucia and Chris hadn’t told anyone yet since it was still very early.  Lucia hadn’t been able to keep the secret from Emie though.  As soon as Lucia had gotten back from her work trip a few days ago, Emie had sensed something had changed.

       “Aunt Erica can’t stop fussing over me.  Maybe I shouldn’t have told her so soon.” Lucia took a step into the room, and Emie met her half way, slipping her arm through Lucia’s.  Emie shrugged.

       “You wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret.” Emie squeezed Lucia and the two girls hugged for a moment.

       “You’re right.” Lucia laughed.  They walked down the hall together, and down the stairs to the dining room where Chris was setting the table.

       “Emie, you look lovely.” Chris said, turning and giving Emie a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  Emie smiled and patted him on the back.

       “Thanks. And you look rather pleased with yourself.” She grinned.  Chris shrugged, but couldn’t keep the grin off his face. 

       “We got a little overzealous and couldn’t wait.” He said simply, looking at Lucia as he spoke.  Emie couldn’t miss the look of love in his gaze, the way he spoke so tenderly to Lucia.  It made her heart squeeze gently,and Emie swallowed hard, fighting off the green monster.  It was okay to be a bit jealous, she knew this.  She was beyond thrilled for her sister and Chris.  Sometimes it was just hard to be around their effervescent love when she was still trying to pick up the pieces.

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