the book of da wolf: the skill toural

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tri-edge: alright nothing much to say, but prepare for some flash backs, hey Asis do the dis claimers.

Asis: ugh fine tri-edge does not own naruto.


Asis : yeah i did this while i was training with my dad and my sword. he said nonchalantly

wolf: training with your sword what do you mean by that? the raven haird banged wolf asked out of simple curiosity

Asis: this is aura my sword is not only a weapon but she has knowledge that far exceeds my own. he said while pulling it from his back and the process the bandages seemed to unwrap it's self showing showing the two aura.

fox: wooooow o.o that weapon looks awesome can i touch it? she said in an amazed and curious tone receiving a nod Asis

fox: yay XD. she cheered happily then proceeded to touch the mythical blade as soon as contact was made the S symbols on the the edge's of the blade started to glow and shake rapidly the sword levatated from Asis's hand in to the sky a bursted in an explosion of light.

wolf: look at what you did LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!. the wolf exasperated

the sword was now a girl with long silky white hair with bangs covering her left eye her right eye showed an infinity symbol the color was ocean blue like a reflection of the pacific almost like the dark stary sky she had perfectly shaped nose her ear's although they were small she had medium sized ear rings with the white infinity symbol on it she also dimples on the cheeks below her eye's luscious eye lashes that fluttered open she was wearing a white night gown that showed all of her curves as well a giving her cleavage a little view the gown began around her shoulders a stopped at slender and smooth her ankles she was sporting a nice round little ass and her breast size would make most women jealous her belly was slim but soft and smooth the gown shaped her body almost as if they were see through her legs perfectly made slender and firm yet soft to the touch like a ballerina she also has white ballerina slippers her skin white as the winter snow she looked like a goddess sent from heaven as she descended to the grown.

her looks had wolf to say shocked would be an understatement he was darn right slack jawed when he saw the the sexy goddess slowly descending from the explosion fox had caused earlier fox saw his reaction and start grinning like mad.

fox: i think you owe me an apology she said in a satisfied tone wolf was too busy staring at the sexy goddess to notice her comment she noticed wolf staring at her then a small blush spread cross her face and began to look away trying to hide her blush.

Asis: this is aura my pride and joy she's been with me since day one.he pointed to the sexy goddess that was his blade. he said in a proud tone aura blushed tomatoe red

wolf: THAT WAS YOUR BLADE!!?? wolf exasperated in complete and uter surprise then he looked to her for assurance she closed her eye's and noded not trusting her voice because she was nervous.

fox: wow your really pretty you must have had a ton off guys ask you out huh? she asked curiously in awe of her beauty

aura: w-well y-yeah but A-Asis-kun has a-always p-protected me fom g-guys and p-perverts. she finished blushing and stuttering like crazy

fox: awwwwwww that's so cute more than i can say for a certain wolf i know. she retorted

wolf: weather you like me or not doesn't matter to me so long as i can do what do best. he said confidently said

fox: and what's that? she asked willing to hear what exactly does wolf like to do best

wolf: being badass, kicking, ass and blowing stuff up. he said cheerfully not caring what anyone thought earning a giggle from aura

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