the book of da wolf: an unlikely thought

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tri-edge: alright today's chapter should be an interesting one seeing as a certain fan wanted me to continue this story.

Asis: why would you ever want to quit I've got skills to learn and goals to reach how am i suppose to do that without my author?

tri-edge: the lack of comments and praise for my idea's.

Asis: we still have our promises to fulfil lets do this and press forward.

tri-edge: yeah i guess you're right well anyway this is for the fans onword with the story

Asis: right.


at the forrest of death training              wrecked grounds

wolf: "so you mean to tell me years ago this use to be your home and you, aura and your father trained for years to prepare you for a war and to protect your loved one's?" wolf asked for reassuring himself

Asis: correct. was all he said

fox: and now you're here train us for a war too?

Asis: correct. he replied again

wolf: why us? he asked questioning his logic of things

Asis: because you two have bloodline traits and abilities that are still untapped and you're full of potential perfect to be my students. he said leaving alot of missing blanks

fox: whatever you say Asis so when do we try out our new moves? she asked in excitement

Asis: right now i want you two to use each move I've taught you on this tree see if you can knock it down.he ordered

they got into they're ready stances and began releasing energy wolf rushed forward before yelling "SPEED BREAK!" then blasted into the tree with a rainbow colored heat radiated blazing aura around him literally grinding into it breaking down the tree particle by particle in an amazing radiant light then wolf proceeded to back flip his way back a few steps to see the damage done only to see the tree was healing for some unknown reason wolf muttered "blood rush" his eye's became blood red and strange black & red markings appeared on his body(like the cursed mark) his fangs became sharper and he had a furious look to him but calm at the same time wolf rushed forward at a fast pace then suddenly quick stepped his way 20 feet in the air and homes in on the tree spining and getting multiple hit combs finally stopping at 300 and switching to his claws exerting power in them going on a claw rampage on the tree testing his own speed reaching 500 claw strikes in 1min before stopping again then muttering "death waver" his body turned into an intangible wolf like wisp  draining the tree's life energy refilling his soul gauge "fox it's up to you." he said out of breath "right on it." she replied back using her telekinesis to lift huge boulders and breaking them down into rock bullets "phychic natural mini gun!" she began firing at the tree shooting rocks at amazing speeds breaking the sound barrier while also teleporting around the tree shooting it from all sides pumeling it as she finished she began using her telekinesis to control the clouds  shocking the tree with electricity leaving huge burn marks  on it she walked to Asis happily.

Asis: "you've done well i believe you're ready to go on your journey." he said with mirth and proudness

Asis: "I'll give you all that you need a map a skill gauge some healing elements for wolf and a way to contact me should things get too dangerous from here on you are to take down the shadow clan and prevent a war from happening in the process." he said calmly as he gave them a mental map as well as a sack to go around wolf's neck

fox: "awwww but what about all the other cool stuff you were gonna teach us?" she whined with the cute but deadly puppy dog face

wolf: "fox stop harassing Master Asis he doesn't have to teach us everything he's already given us all that we need." he said lecturing her a little

Asis: "very true but that's not the case I've given you both a skill gauge for each time you use a skill the skill gauge for that skill will increase until you raise a level or level up you will gain a new ability or skill so there's no need to worry." he said happy that no one is disappointed

fox: "that is soooooooo cool!." she exclaimed happily in her own stary eyed daise at the possibilities

wolf: "okay let's not waist time get going." he said rushing fox out of her own little world

and with that Asis opened his dimensional electing respective woahs from both fox and wolfthen Asis epicly flipped his way into the lightness that was whatever dimension he went too then they look towards the map trying to set a way point to where they should go

instead they chose to stay in a cave made by fox's handie work

wolf: how much ground do you think we should cover per day seeing as this is gonna be a long journey? he askee curiously

fox:i really don't know as far as ik we won't know what will happen next until it replied

wolf: i see so here's my idea seeing as these guys are probably still in hiding we go to each city and wipe "em" out sound good. he directed fox

*fox suddenly looked at wolf in a new light and blushed but kept it hidden beneath her fur*

fox: that's a great idea she said happily with a toothy grin

wolf: but for today let's just rest here im tired and my speed break gauge is low. he said weakly

fox: good night. she said trying to make small talk saddly going all the way across the room cold and alone as she laid down she began to shiver

wolf: fox come over here. he said not wanting to free she walked over to him and laid down wolf pulled her closer so she could feel his warmth gaining a blush from the kitsune as they drifted off to sleep


tri-edge: alright people this story is being postponed because i have no idea what to do with it next so peace

The book of da wolf: a fox huntWhere stories live. Discover now