Chapter 1 : Aunt

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*ring ring*

A call from Michelle♡

*answers the phone*


"Mom!!! Why didn't you tell me that I have to walk from the bus stop to reach the village!!!"

[Well I thought you remember how to get there tehe... ^^;;]

"I spent the whole day waiting for nothing you know!!!"  I can't  even remember a thing from back then.

"I'm so glad that there's an old couple passing by when I thought I'll be sleeping out" *cries*

[By the way... Did you met your Aunt]

"Not yet" it is weird that Aunt still not here...

[Did you visit her shop?]


[Oh.... you still haven't seen it...]

What kind of shop could Aunt have?

"Mom should I go there"


"Where is it anyway?"

Mom drew me another map. Seems weird that Aunt don't get home.

I turn off the lights. Make sure have nothing else I forgot.
As I went to the door and about to open it. The door nob moved and opened.


I feel shivers in my skin and about to get pale.

Thats the time I....


*nom nom nom*

"Aunt you should've said so that your hungry. Don't come home looking scary like that, I thought your a zombie" Its the first time I see my Aunt but it seem like we get along well.

"Well my shop been packed for the past few days so I barely have time." Aunt said after finishing the third serving I gave her.

"What kind of shop did you run anyways?" Been packed for days huh. Maybe a bookstore , I'm sure that its not a food related shop because she said that se barely eat.

"Oh.. its just a cafe~" *grin* what did she mean by cafe. Coffee shop? Internet cafe?

"What do you mean by cafe? You said you haven't been eating much."

"I didn't say I'm not eating... I run a food house dear... how can I not..." she's still eating -_- "I said I barely have time to take a time to feel the occassion"

For the longest time we talk. She seems to become weirder and weirder also the curiousity about her shop knock on me one more time.

"Aunt can I go to your shop tomorrow?" I ask

"Okay~" she said while having a smile after the meal and still wants to get another serving.

I look at her and take away her plate to the sink. It seem like I have another mom to take care to.

"Enough eating... you must go to bed" ofcourse arriving at this hour

"what~" she she a kid or something.

"You must take care of yourself..." I say it like I always say to mom

"How sweet~ okay then. I'll be off to bed now." *smile smile*

What a day. Wait... its been two days that I'm here. Did Aunt sleep at her shop for the last few days???

*chirp chirp chirp*

"Huh!!! Morning already!!!" Gotta make breakfast. Wake up Aunt. Get ready.

As I get to the kitchen. The breakfast is ready. Theres a note and money.

Note says :

Dear~ eat up and heres money if you wanna go to my shop or just go take a stroll around.
                                Love Allice♡

"No doubt. They really are Sister" *smile*

(Always put heart at the end of their name)

At the back of the note is a map.

"Aunts map's much more complicated from what mom drew" Im sensing something troublesome -_-

             -to be continued-

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