School Has (Not) Ended

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🌸Acantha's POV🌸
Ok. So English lesson just ended, and I'm on my way to Math. Only to be stopped by the group's 'leader' whom I had harmed earlier on. "Well, make it quick if you want something!" I snapped. Even though he was those type of muscular with tattoos all over, I wasn't one bit afraid. "Wrong!" he replied.

I screamed but he covered my mouth. I mentally smirked and elongated my teeth and bit him. After 1-2 seconds later, I let go feeling my teeth go back to normal.

"What? Female can bite too, you know? We don't have teeth in our mouths for just eating. "I stated clearly and loudly. Then I hissed at him,"By the way, I know you're werewolf because I'm your Luna. You're in Duskfall Rufus Pack. I know. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Blake's Mate."

Then, I stalked off to my Math class.

When I walked inside, every single person was werewolf. I picked a seat and sat down, dumping my bag in the ground. A while later, a boy stormed up to where I was sitting and burst out,"Why don't you get out of my seat?!" I just smirked,"Well, why don't you get out of my face, werewolf? I'm Luna, you know?"

"Well, I'm Al-"

"Alpha? Yes, I know as well. But this is my land for gods sake! If it was your land, I'd already won't be in this seat!" I interrupted him and shrugged.

Just then, the teacher (werewolf as well) came in and said,"James, kindly sit down." "Fine." So his name was James, huh?

"So class, we have a two new students. Please come up and introduce yourselves." Derrick and I got up and went to the front of the class. Derrick went first. "Hi everyone. My name is Derrick Josè and I'm Beta of Duskfall Rufus Pack." Everyone gasped.

"That's a nice introduction, Beta Derrick. Your turn now." The teacher said.

"Hi everyone. My name is Acantha Jessica Rose and I'm Luna of Duskfall Rufus Pack. Also, I skipped a few years. That explains the confusion." Everyone suddenly went rigid. They got up and bowed,"Luna." I started to panic and stuttered,"P-please, everyone you don't have to bow." Luckily, Ms Jaxon -the teacher- spoke,"Alright, that's enough for the day."
"Acantha, Derrick, over here!" We heard Dianne shout. Derrick and I walked over to her and Blake. I sat next to Blake, while Derrick and Dianne were on the other side. "Hey Acantha, you want anything?" Blake asked me. "Ummm... maybe a frappe from what I saw on the menu?" I replied, unsure.


"Definitely." And off he went.

A few minutes later, he came back holding a Caramel Frappe. Yum! "Here you go, Miss. That'll be 5 dirhams, please." He joked. I silently got my purse and got out 5 dirhams and placed on his hand. "Why, Mister. Here you go!" I replied poking his shoulder.

"Acantha! Not literally!"

"Oh well, too bad!"

Dianne and Derrick were laughing their heads off,"S-stop! O-our s-sto-omach h-hurts. Hahahahaha!!!!"
Right. Now, I am currently changing into the PE uniform with Dianne. "Come on, Di!" I encouraged her to go faster. "Done!" she finally said 4 seconds later.

We got out of the changing rooms into the Sport Halls. "Look! Blake and Derrick are there!" Dianne waved at them. "Hey guys! We'll go join the boys. See you later!" Derrick said. "Okay. We'll join the girls! See you, later!" I replied.

"Hello, there. Are you guys new here?" a human voice said. "Yes, we're new here. This is our first day." I replied. "My name's Alesha. This is Tanya." the girl introduced. "My name's Dianne and this is Acantha." Dianne introduced us. "Those are really unique names!" Tanya said. Both of them smiled warmly at us.

Alesha had RayBan black framed glasses and her hair was tied up in a ponytail, her fringe pinned. Tanya had Lacoste black framed glasses but on the sides were glow-in-the-dark. She also had her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Hey, Alesha, Tanya!" another girl came over,"Oh hello. Are you two new here?" "Yes, we're new here. I'm Acantha, this is Dianne!" I replied this time. "My name's Kiara. Nice to meet you!" Kiara had ESPRIT black glasses as well but on the insides were white patterns. "You all have really nice glasses!" Dianne complimented. "Thank you!" they said in unison.

"Alright, everyone. Boys with Mr Tate and Girls with Ms Hagen!" a teacher said. "So that's Ms Hagen and that's Mr Tate." Kiara told us. "Now, girls. Get into groups of five, please." Ms Hagen told the girls. "Perfect! You and Dianne can join us!" Alesha and Tanya beamed. Then, we began warming up.

"Alright, everyone! We'll play a round of Bulldog! I will choose the Bulldogs: Kiara, Acantha, Alesha, Dianne!" Ms Hagen announced suddenly.

Everyone got into position. Ms Hagen blew the whistle. Immediately, I had tagged 9 people. Dianne had tagged 6. Alesha worked together with Kiara and they tagged 8 people altogether. Altogether, we tagged 22 people. There were 4 left, making 28 altogether. Ms Hagen blew the whistle,"Round 2!" And you could guess she blew the whistle again. None of the others were able to catch 4 of them: they were really nimble! I tagged 2 people; Dianne tagged the other 2. The whistle blew. "Game over!" Ms Hagen shouted,"Get changed!"

I quickly got changed and Dianne was putting on her shoes. A second later, she was up. "So, Dianne. Maybe I like school..." I stated. "Yeah! Especially with Alesha, Kiara and Tanya!" Dianne added. We came out and saw they already changed. "So, we'll see you tomorrow, guys?" Tanya asked. "Definitely, Tanya." I answered.

We hopped into our car and drove back home.

Hola once again! How'd you like this chapter? This time, I featured Horizon International School, Umm Sheif! Yes, I have to admit: it's the school I'm currently in... Oh well, that doesn't stop me from featuring my school. And below is a quiz. All you have to do is answer them on the private chat to me!!!! Good luck!


1. What is Dianne's full name?
2. How many people are mentioned in the school so far?
3. Where is Umm Sheif in?
4. Where is the UAE?

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