Out of the Picture

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What if Kyungsoo thought the reader was lesbian, but she was bi?

(Y/N) yawned as she clicked the green button on her phone.

"Yeoboseyeo," she muttered sleepily into the microphone.

"Good morning to you, too," Kyungsoo returned, clearly smiling on the other end of the line.

"Yah, what do you want?" she demanded. Kyungsoo laughed.

"Me and the boys were heading out for the night. We were wondering if you could make it. (Ex/Girlfriend) can go, too."

"I can go, but not (E/G). We broke up a while back."

She heard Kyungsoo's frown in his next words. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. She asked for it, really. What time are we meeting up?"


"How do all twelve of you have the time to plan these things?" (Y/N) asked as she stepped out of the car and into the parking lot of the club.

Kyungsoo shrugged. "It will always be a mystery."

The thirteen entered the fancy club. He boys were immediately showered with women, and (Y/N) had many men's eyes on her. Smiling, she broke away from the boys with a short "catch up in a bit" and returned the flirt of a cute man.

Confused, the boys shared a look. "I thought she liked girls," Xiumin said.

"She never said she was bi," Tao added.

Finally, eleven boys dropped it, but Kyungsoo held onto the information. Once he saw the man had left her side, he made his way over to (Y/N).

His arm went around her waist, making her send him a knowing smile.

"You're bi?" he questioned. The nod as an answer threw him off. "Well, that clears things up."

"How so?" she asks. Without either of them realizing, they were walking to the dance floor.

"Well, I've never seen you with a guy. To me, it was always (Y/N) and (E/G). To see you flirt with a man was a bit startling."

Ironically enough, they began dancing, but that used very lightly. What they did was more considered grinding than dancing.

"It doesn't seem too startling," (Y/N) started as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "because you're pushing everything you've got onto me."

"I don't see you telling me no," he ended. With that, he pressed his lips onto hers, grinding even harder against her.

She had to pull back and gasp in breaths. "I think...they have rooms...in the back," she breathed. All too quickly, she gabbed Kyungsoo's hand and made her way to the back rooms. She gave the man with room keys a wad of cash and all but snatched the key.


That night was great for all thirteen of the friends. Two had just admitted their feeligs for each other. Eleven got to tease two for having sex in the back of a club.

Kyungsoo One Shots (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now