Chapter Five

63 22 28

Upper East Side, New York, USA

July 2017

Georgianna van der Linden

Leaving the boardroom behind, I get up to explore the rest of the building. Each room that I pass has been left empty in whatever state it previously was in. Chairs are flung all around the rooms, some have been knocked over backwards.  For some reason, there is paper all across the floors. I don't know why a volcano erupting would cause everyone to litter their belongings but it has done.

Fleeing from the abandoned corridor of empty rooms, I walk towards the great, glass window with a few that overlook Manhattan. What I expect to see is scolding lava flowing down the street with ash covering every building in sight but instead of a grey and orange landscape, I see Manhattan. The only thing that makes the view stand out from any ordinary day is the crowds of people, lined along the sidewalk trying to hail a cab. A few fights have brawled out but nothing too serious. Nothing to suggest that a deadly volcano has erupted.

Torn between deciding to stay here in New York, my home, or to fly away just in case there is any reason why I wouldn't be safe. I could go visit some of the fashion capitals in the world if I went to Europe. Milan, Paris, Rome even London. I don't have to evacuate the country, instead I can leave for a vacation. It might even benefit my career if I can get some stores in Europe to pick up my Beach Party line. By the end of all this, I could be thanking the volcano.

I return back to the room where my disastrous meeting was held and re-organise my folder of designs. Besides my passport, these are the only real necessities that I need to travel with.  I can buy more clothes when I reach Europe; it isn't like it will bankrupt me.

I debate about hailing a taxi to take me back to my apartment but just by looking at sea of people, I know it could easily take me hours to get one so instead I begin to walk the ten blocks to my apartment. The July heat is sweltering but it could be worse, I could be stood on the sidewalk like a fool, waiting for a cab that isn't going to come.

Thirty minutes later I reach my apartment block. People are running all over the place and the elevator is out of use so I have no choice but to take the stairs. I seem to be the only person running up them as everyone else is running down, fearing for their lives. All I want is a vacation.

As soon as I get to my apartment, I run straight to my bedside cabinet and pull out my passport along with some emergency cash just in case I need it. I debate whether to call reception and ask them to get me a taxi but decide it will be no use. I might as well keep walking along the streets until I find one that is free.

Scrolling through my phone as I walk through the crowded streets, I look up flights to Europe to see what is available. The only flight I come across is an economy seat to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. I wouldn't ordinarily fly economy but it will do for today. Over the phone I book the seat, securing my place on the flight which is due to take off in three and a half hours. I should be able to get there in time, assuming I can get a taxi. If I get on one now then I should reach the airport with an hour and a half to spare.

Plenty of time.

Half an hour later I am finally able to hail a cab which I jump into before anyone else.

"Where to love?"

"JFK Airport. And make it fast." I instruct the driver.

"I'll go as fast as I can love. The roads from here to there are blocked with traffic. Could easily take us up to three hours to get there."

"That can't happen! I've just paid for my flight which is due to take off in three hours time. I need to be on it. My whole career depends on this flight. Surely there are some back roads you can take?"

"If there were then I would use them but there aren't. Be lucky that you're getting a lift in the first place. I would rather be with my family than driving a spoiled brat like you around." He spits at me, causing me to sink lower in my seat. I don't say anything to the driver after that, instead he just turns on the radio, and we are met with President Arrington's voice blaring out from the radio, announcing more updates on the volcano which is going to kill us all.

"and Yellowstone Volcano has now erupted. Ash has already fallen over one thousand millimetres thick in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, and continues to fall thirty millimetres thick in areas of the West coast. Areas of the East coast will have delayed effects but will soon quickly begin to suffer from the spreading ash. An evacuation is in order. Airports are already closed in the West coast, however the government have dispatched army officials who are making their way there to assist the public. Airports are expected to close in the East in roughly three hours, as that is the expected time for the volcanic ash to begin settling in the East. We ask the public that they please ensure the safety of themselves and their families, and remain calm yet vigilant. Thank you."

The voice on the radio drones on and on, repeating the same message as the taxi drives closer to the airport.

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