Chapter 2

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We pulled up to this giant house!
I swear houses aren't suppose to be this big!
"Ari, follow me I'll show you to your room."
"Okay Con, is it okay if I call you that?"
"Of course!"
Once we were inside the house it didn't look as big as it did outside but pretty close. Connor led me up a staircase and showed me my room. And may I say this room is.....AMAZING!
The walls were light green and my bed spread was electric blue!
I swear this room was made for me.
"Well go ahead and unpack your stuff and we are having pizza for dinner, that's when you will meet the other guys!"
Wow he has a lot of enthusiasm
"Yeah okay"
Connor acts like he has known me my whole life, don't get me wrong I'm really happy that he adopted me.
But I'm also scared, why if the others don't like me, what if they abuse me like my birth mom?
I'm just not gonna think that way Connor and JC seem like nice people.
"Ari! Dinner come meet everybody!"
Wait why is Connor calling me down now it's been like 5 minutes
I get down stairs and I see Connor JC and two other guys.
We'll say something Ari don't just stare they will think your weird.
Why won't they say anything back they are all staring at me where did Connor go???
"Are you guys okay?"
They are seriously scaring me they don't approve of me. Now I just wanna break down and cry this isn't fair they didn't even give me a chance.
"Guys stop your stupid game your making her uncomfortable."
Yes Connor is here.
"That was the whole point."
"Well stop"
"Hey we know who you are but you don't know us, I'm Ricky"
"Now let's eat some pizza!!!!"

Adopted By O2l Book1:So It BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now