Chapter 13

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I hear voices.
I don't know who's voices they are but I recognize them.
"What if she decides to leave us?"
"Connor she wouldn't leave you, what Hannah did was not your fault"
"Yeah man your her dad"
I start to move around so they know to shut up.
I slightly open my eyes to see who's here
Connor,Jc,And Ricky
I open my eyes all the way
"Hey baby girl your awake"
"Hey Da-Connor"
I don't know if I should call him dad or not I should ask I really want to but then again I don't want to freak him out
"So did they tell you what happens"
Ask Ricky
"Actually no we had a....different talk Though."
"Oh well when Hannah you know kicked you over and over again she ruptured your appendix and they had to remove it, on the bright side you don't need it to live"
I laugh lightly "yeah I guess not so when do I get to go home?"
"Oh okay"
"Well JC and I are gonna go get some food Connor will stay with you"
Connor nods his head and they exit the room
"Hey Ari we need to talk"
"Umm okay"

Oooooh cliffhanger sorry I know it's a short chapter vote for an update and let me know what you think!

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