Chapter 20

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I get to the beach and run up and hug sam.
"Hey princess"
"Hey sammi"
He smiles grabbing my hand and walks my over to a spot on the beach where there are giant rocks.
We sit on one of the rocks by the water, our usual hangout place.
"So sam what did you need to tell me?"
Sams whole face turns red
"Sam are you oka-"
I was cut off by him kissing me gently on the lips
I was startled at first and kissed back then realized,Matt
I push sam off
"Sam I cant"
"Why not?"
"Because I'm dating Matt"
"Oh really that's why he was gonna tell you he's leaving tonight to go back to his family"
I feel tears brim my eyes
"Sam just stop"
I get up and run away
I run for about 15 minutes until I reach Trevor's house.
I walk in and up to his room I knock on the door
"Mom go away"
I walk in he has his back to me
"Mom I don't want to be bothered"
He turns around and sees me crying and comes up and hugs me.
"Ari it's okay, it's okay, wanna tell me what's wrong?"
I nod my head and tell him everything the kiss sam getting mad saying Matt was leaving
"Trev can I ask you something?"
"Is Matt really leaving?"
Trevor looks down
"I'm sorry he is"
I start to cry again
I hug Trevor the last thing I remember is Trevor holding me singing a lullaby.

Heheh love triangle?
Maybe there is?
Should it be Sari or Trari?

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