Chapter 22

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"Hey! Yall awake up there!?" Tim calls out from downstairs.

"We are now." Avi moans as he pulls Kirstie close to him.

"We got a lot to do today. We need to get started before it gets too hot." Tim says.

"What time is it?" Avi asks.

"7:30." Tim answers.

"Is that early?" Avi groans.

"It probably is for you but not for him." Kirstie says as she raises up from the bed. "He's usually already at the school by this time."

"I smell bacon." Avi chuckles slightly.

"Bubba? Is Esther up?" Kirstie calls out.

"Yep, we're fixin' breakfast. Yall come on down and eat." Tim answers.

"Those words are music to my ears." Avi smiles as he rubs his eyes.

They make their way down the ladder to find scrambled eggs, bacon, hash brown potatoes, home-made biscuits and gravy waiting on the table.

"Wow, what are yall gonna eat?" Avi laughs as he sits down at the table.

"I think there is enough for everyone." Esther laughs, handing him a glass of orange juice.

"These aren't can biscuits." Avi comments as he tears the biscuit apart and pours gravy over it.

"Nope, believe it or not, my mom taught me how to cook." Tim chuckles.

"You made these?" Avi asks as he shovels a fork full of biscuits and gravy into his mouth.

"Yeah and the gravy." Tim answers.

"This is awesome. I'm going to like you being around." Avi laughs.

"I'm offended." Esther says with a smile. "I have you to know, Mr. Avi, I fixed you breakfast every morning."

"Yeah, but it wasn't biscuits and gravy." Avi says with his mouth full.

"You guys go ahead and get started on the shed. Kirstie and I will clean this up." Esther says as they finish their breakfast. 

"It's gonna be a hot one today so don't overdo it." Kirstie warns, kissing Avi softly on the cheek.

"Yes, Esther, I mean Kirstie." Avi chuckles.

Tim and Avi go out to the shed to see what damaged parts need to be removed. Avi was so happy to be working with Tim. Tim treated him differently than Esther and Kirstie. They were very over protective and treated him like a child, Tim didn't. Tim treated him like an adult and he loved it.

He had expected to be Tim's gopher. Someone who just goes and gets what's needed. But Tim put him to work and he was loving every minute of it.

"Can I asks you something?" Avi asks after they had been working awhile. It had gotten extremely hot and they were taking a break under a shade tree. Kirstie had brought them so cold bottle water.

"Sure." Tim answers as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Are you having sex with my sister?" Avi asks with raised brows.

"W .. What?" Tim asks, quickly snapping his head around to look at the smaller man.

"Are you having sex with my sister?" Avi repeats the question.

"I .. I." Tim stutters, shocked at the question. "Ar .. Are you hav ..having sex with my sis .. sister?"

"No! Of course not." Avi says, shaking his head.

"Oh." Tim says as he quickly takes a drink from the water bottle.

"Well? Are you? And why are you stuttering? You nervous about something?" Avi asks with a slight smirk.

"It .. It's just. Tha ..That's a p ..pretty personal question." Tim says looking out across the yard being sure not to make eye contact with Avi.

"So, should I take that as a Yes?" Avi asks. "I answered your question."

"A .. Avi." Tim says, shaking his head slightly.

"Just answer yes or no." Avi chuckles. "And calm down. It's not like I'm going to beat you up or anything."

"O ..Okay." Tim says with a nod and takes a deep breath trying to calm himself. "Es ..Esther and I have been in .. intimate."

"Intimate? I don't know what that means but I guess it would mean yes you're screwing my sister." Avi says.

"Yes! To answer your question, Yes, Esther and I have had sex. Happy?" Tim says. "I love your sister very much, Avi."

"Ewwww!" Avi says, shaking his head.

"Well, you asked." Tim says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but now I'm sorry I did." Avi laughs.

"Come on, that shed ain't fixing itself." Tim says as he stands up and stretches his back. He extends his hand to help Avi up. "Listen, Avi. I know there will come a time that you and Kirstie will take that step. Just please be careful and use protection. That's all I ask."

                              ~~ Meanwhile inside the house ~~

"Can I ask you a personal question, Kirstie?" Esther asks as they clean up the kitchen.

"Sure. I guess." Kirstie answers with a shrug.

"Uh, you know Avi is pretty innocent. He's never had a girlfriend before." Esther says as she stares into the dish water.

"We haven't done anything, Esther, if that's what you are fixing to ask." Kirstie smiles.

"Whew, I can't help but worry about him, you know." Esther giggles nervously.

"I know, now, what about you and my big brother?" Kirstie asks with raised brows.

"Well." Esther laughs as her cheeks redden. "We have."

"You know you are the first that he's even shown interest in since Jenika died. So I'm happy that you two found each other. I worry about him too even though he is older than me." Kirstie says.

"Well, what kind of sisters would we be if we didn't worry about our brothers." Esther says with a smile.

"And don't worry about Avi. I really do love him and wouldn't hurt him for anything." Kirstie smiles.

"That's good. Cause I know he loves you too." Esther smiles as she thinks of her little brother.

"Okay, I know you and Tim are 'doing it'. But do you love him?" Kirstie asks, her expression becoming serious.

"Yes, I do." Esther answers honestly. "I love him very much. He's beautiful. Inside and out."

"Tim is a very caring person and I have to admit, I do have a very handsome brother. But, you do too." Kirstie giggles.

"I agree. Avi is very handsome. He favors our mom, a lot." Esther smiles as she hands Kirstie the last dish to dry. "You know, it's going to be pretty lonesome around here when you and Tim leave to go back to your house."

"Yeah, I know." Kirstie nods. "This places almost feels like home to me."

"It could be." Esther says, looking at Kirstie with excitement in her eyes. "You and Tim could move in here. What do think?"




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