Chapter 24

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"Well, I got some help to move the bedroom suite." Tim says as he hangs up the phone. "Avi? You remember Mr. Chance and Mr. Rupp?"

"Yeah. They're really cool." Avi nods.

"They're coming over in about an hour to help." Tim says.

"Who are Mr. Chance and Mr. Rupp?" Esther asks as she sat down on Avi's mattress.

"They're the other two teachers that are in the building that I'm in." Tim answers, meaning the building for students with learning disabilities.

"They're super nice." Avi nods.

"It's hot as hell up here." Tim says as he squats down and leans against the wall. "How do you stand it?"

"You should have been up here before Kirstie brought the fans. You could hardly breath." Avi says.

"I can't handle this." Tim says, shaking his head. "Sis, you still have my air conditioner?"

"What air conditioner?" Kirstie asks, sitting down on the floor next to Avi.

"Uh, the one I put into your shed when I had my central put in. Remember, I didn't have a shed at the time." Tim says, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, I thought you came and got it." Kirstie says with a shrug.

"No, I said I was but never did." Tim says. 

"A real air conditioner?" Avi asks, excitement growing on his face.

"Yes, Avi. A real air conditioner." Tim laughs. "We could put the air conditioner in the living room window then sit the fans around to pull the cool air into the different rooms."

"Can I go with yall when you go get everything? I can help." Avi pleads.

"Of course you can." Tim smiles at how eager Avi was to help.

Avi had been babied his whole life. Being smothered by his parents and his sister. Yes, it was good that they were protective of him but he was a young adult and needed to be treated like one. Tim was determined to do just that. He loved the smile on the young man's face whenever he was included with hanging out with the older guys.

"Someone is here." Avi says as he hears car doors slamming.

"Probably Chance and Adam." Tim replies.

Avi quickly hops up and climbs down the ladder to answer the door.

"Hey, Avi." Chance smiles as he gives Avi a hug. "Man, it's good to see you."

"How have you been? We've missed you." Adam says giving the young man a hug.

"I've been good. I've missed you guys too." Avi says with a huge grin. 

"So yall think we will be able to get a bedroom suite up here?" Tim chuckles as he leans on the railing of the loft looking down at the three men.

"How big is the dresser?" Chance asks.

"It's a full-size dresser." Kirstie answers, leaning on the railing beside her brother.

"It won't be easy but I'm sure it can be done." Adam comments, as he looks over the situation.

"Well, let's get started." Tim says as he makes his way down the ladder.

Esther gives Tim 'that look' as she hands him the keys to her truck.

"He'll be fine." Tim chuckles as he takes the keys from her.

Avi and Chance hop into the back of the truck as Tim gets into the driver's seat and Adam into the passenger side.

"We also need to get my air conditioner out of Kirstie's shed." Tim says to Adam as they pull into the driveway.

"I noticed it was pretty warm in there." Adam nods.

"I can't live where there is no air conditioning." Tim chuckles as they get out of the truck.

"Wait. Did I hear you correctly?" Chance says with a smile. "You moving in with Esther?"

"Yeah, Sis is moving in too." Tim nods.

Avi giggles as Adam raises an eyebrow and gives him a naughty smile.

They get to work taking the bed apart and carrying it to the truck.

"Hey, Tim?" Avi calls out from the kitchen. He had gone to get him a drink of water.

"Yeah?" Tim answers from the bedroom.

"You think I should pack up all these groceries?" Avi asks.

Tim walks into the kitchen to see Avi looking into the refrigerator. The refrigerator was fully stocked. He chuckles and shakes his head at how forgetful his sister could be at times.

"I guess choosing which shoes to bring was more important." Tim laughs. "Yeah, I saw a couple of boxes in the utility room. She also has a small deep freezer in the utility room that she usually keeps stocked with meat. Do yall have room in your utility room for it?"

"I don't know. You'll have to call Esther." Avi answers with a shrug of his shoulders.

Tim pulls out his phone as Avi goes to get the boxes.

"She said she thinks there is room." Tim says slipping his phone back into his pocket as Avi comes back with the boxes.

It took all four of them to carry the freezer out to the truck.

"D*mn, that was heavy." Chance chuckles as he wipes his brow.

"Probably would have been better if we had taken the meat out." Adam laughs.

"We don't have enough boxes." Tim says. "We need the boxes for the groceries in the kitchen."

With the bedroom suite loaded, Avi begins to pack up the groceries as the other three go to the shed to look for the air conditioner. Soon, everything was loaded and they head back to Esther's.

Avi props the screen door open with a rock as they begin carrying in the boxes of groceries and the freezer.

After making sure all the food was inside, they begin working on installing the air conditioner. 

The girls soon could see that the heat and exhaustion were getting to the guys. Cuss words were becoming more frequent.

"SON OF A B*TCH!!" Tim yells out as he smashes his finger between the window and the air condition.

"I think you guys need a break to cool off and rest a bit." Esther suggests.

"I think she's right." Adam agrees.

"I could use a nice cold beer if you have one?" Chance says as he tries to catch his breath.

"I've always got cold beer." Tim replies as he checks on his aching finger.

The four guys sat down at the table as Kirstie turns all the fans on them to help cool them off.

"I'll just take some tea if you got it." Adam says as he fixes his loose ponytail.

"Coming right up. Avi? You want tea?" Esther asks.

"Yeah, please." Avi answers wiping his forehead.

They sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying their cold drinks and the breeze from the fans.

"Any ideas how you're going to get everything to the loft?" Kirstie asks, breaking the silence.

"Nope." The four men answer in unison and begin to laugh.


Thanks for reading!


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