So, basically you all have heard of that horror film, The Ring. And you've obviously heard of TLS. Why not mix them up a little bit?
It starts off as the girls deciding what to do for the weekend, WD comes up with a plan that they would stay at her...
The next day, the squad met at the park near WD's house for the super gay girly sleepover that's taking place tonight. Before she left her place, WD brought the tape with her, so the others could see what they're gonna be watching (basically she's showing it off fam)
Cait: So, got anything good to watch for tonight then WD?
WD: Ladies, you are about to see something that is UNBELIEVABLE!...Jeff
Fran: What is it?
Suddenly, WD grabbed the tape out of her bag and held it up in the air like it's a national treasure, which it might be since it looks that old and dusty. But the girls weren't buying it..
Milz: Um, a tape?
WD: Yeah! What do you think of watching this tonight?
The girls went silent...
Milz: ....Seriously, a tape?
Lilz: OOO, looks spooky! What's the movie?
WD: I'm.....Not so sure tbf
Delt: If you don't know what's on the tape, then why did you get it?
Cait: Yeah, why didn't you buy something from on TV or a decent DVD store?
WD: I DID!! *sigh* trust me guys, I made the right choice. Now let's head back to my place for tea, I'm starving!
The girls walked back with WD to her house. After they've eaten, they all decided to wear their Pj's and make a big ass fort in the living room for tonight's movie.
Cait: Right, to make this fort, we're gonna need pillows and lots of them!
Metab: I'll grab some sticks to make it stand up!
Lilz: Not to forget blankets
WD: And I'll get my star LED lights from my room upstairs
Milz: Aw shit this is gonna look lit fam
WD: Fran, you got the food right?
Fran: Got it in the bag...
As they were building the fort, WD smacked some Popcorn into the microwave and put the sweets and chocolates into each big bowl, then a few little bowls for themselves. After she finished doing so, the girls were officially done with the big ass fort! Here's a couple of pics that they shared on Instagram #Sleepovergoals
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