So, basically you all have heard of that horror film, The Ring. And you've obviously heard of TLS. Why not mix them up a little bit?
It starts off as the girls deciding what to do for the weekend, WD comes up with a plan that they would stay at her...
Today was a pretty normal day, or so they thought. The girls got ready for school and went on Lilz's bus, but as they were travelling, Fran saw something weird this time...
Fran: Um, why is there a girl on the side of the road like that?
Others: What girl?
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Fran: THAT girl, there!
Cait: I don't see anything.
WD: *sigh* Rhys better have found something about this..
As they climbed out of the vehicle, Rhys came charging towards them with 'some' notes...More like a mountain of papers!
Metab: Oh look who it is
Milz: Hehe, someone's done some research..
Rhys: Guys! I've done what you asked for! I collected lots of information from the internet and-
*Bell rings*
WD: Shit! Well Rhys thank you so so much for helping us with what you have found. Um, tell us all about it at lunch yeah?
Rhys: Oh, okay. Cya in a bit then..
Girls: Bye
A few hours have passed...
Delt: Man I'm starving!
Lilz: Don't worry, the bell will ring soon..
*Bell rings again*
Delt: OMG Lilz! You must be psychic!
Lilz: Hey, if you believe I am, then I am.
Everyone was aiming for the canteen as soon as the bell went. The girls grabbed their lunch and sat down waiting for Rhys to arrive.
Fran: God where is he?
Metab: OMG can you NOT SHOUT?!
Rhys: Sorry, I've been waiting to give you the info I've found about your visions!
WD: Nice! What about em?
Rhys: Okay, well it turns out that the girl you have seen the other night WD is a young girl named Samara Morgan.
WD: Right? Who's she?
Rhys: She's just a normal human being like us but with physical abilities. Samara possessed the power of 'projected thermography', which means she can burn images into the mind of other living beings or on any recording media.
Lilz: So that's where our visions our coming from!
Rhys: Exactly.
Cait: And the tape? What's that about?
Rhys: Okay, this is a long story so let me take you back to the start. There was a young woman called Evelyn Osorio, which had a troubled pregnancy, she was experiencing hallucinations and visions due to her baby Samara's powers. Later she gave birth to her, but Evelyn tried to drown Samara, luckily the nuns of the hospital then stopped her.
Delt: Jesus!
Rhys: I know right. Afterwards Evelyn was taken to a mental institution and Samara was adopted by a coupled named Richard and Anna Morgan. When they took her home, Anna had a lack of sleep and concentration. Her mind would be filled with gruesome images when she was around. Samara's presence made the horses on the Morgan's farm go insane and die, which threw her mother into deep depression.
Cait: No shit. I would be like that if my horses died!
Rhys: So in the end, both Anna and Samara were sent to a psychiatric hospital, but eventually Anna attempted to kill her daughter by suffocating her with a bin bag and throwing her into a well. She then committed suicide by jumping off a nearby cliff. Samara was about our age when this happened.
WD: Woah, so what's with the tape then?
Rhys: Samara lived on for 7 days in the well. After she died, her spirit created the cursed video using her powers. So if anyone watches the tape, they will hear the phone ring and in exactly 7 days the viewer will suffer a terrible death.
The girls looked at each other in fear, obviously they didn't want to die!
Milz: Cmon Rhys there has to be a solution to all of this!
Rhys: However it does say if the viewer lets someone else watch it, the curse will be upon the other person.
Metab: Have you watched it?
Rhys: Nope..
Suddenly, Rhys saw them grinning awkwardly. As if they're on to something. Kinda like this...
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Then he knew what they were on about...
Rhys: Nonononononono!!!
Girls: Pleeeaaaazzzzeeee?!
Rhys: NO! You guys got yourselves into this shit I'm not getting involved!
Lilz: Really Rhys? Not even for me?
Rhys paused and thought about it for a short while...
Rhys: Well....
Lilz: Cmon, my life is at risk right now. I need someone to save us, and me. Please?
He couldn't resist the cute puppy eyes that Lilz was showing, so he then said....
Rhys: Okay, I can't say no to you
Lilz: Yaaaaaassss!!! Thanking you!
She pecked his cheek quickly yet sweetly
WD: So you'll do this for us? You'll watch it?
Rhys: Yeah, I guess
Lilz: But Rhys might :(
Metab: Who cares?! We get to live right?!
Milz: Oooooo savage
*The bell rings* lunch is over
WD: Right, Rhys here's the tape. Make sure you watch it right?
Rhys: No problem. Will do
WD: K, thanks! Cya later!
Rhys: Bye
Time was passing by until the end of the school day. The girls mounted on Lilz's bus to go back to her house to stay another night, but for now I'm gonna end this chapter here ladds. Byyyyyeeeeeeeee (for now) x