It was 11:50pm. 10 minutes before midnight. WD was still asleep in the car with Lilz's corpse on her lap while the couple were making their way back to WD's house. They were now in her hometown and she needed waking up.
Man: Hey, hey now it's time to get up
He said as he was shaking her leg. Eventually she opened her eyes
WD: *yawn* are we there yet?
Woman: Almost, now I just need to know where you live darling.
WD: Oh, um if you turn right there's a neighborhood called Love Lane.
Man: What a lovely name for a place like this!
WD: Yeah. Beautiful
The couple parked on her drive and helped WD and what they thought was her sleeping friend get inside her house. After that they lay her on the sofa and waved her goodbye.
Woman: Right, are you sure you don't need any help?
Lilz: Yes, just leave us alone!
WD: Yeah, I'm good.
Man: Now if you need us, you can phone us on this number okay?
The kind man wrote his mobile number on a piece of paper and handed it to WD
Lilz: Wow, someone who's a complete stranger that's in your house gives you his contact...that's a bit deviant.
WD: Thank you
Just when they left, WD began to smell the strange grey mist that was coming from outside. She knew she had to check it out
WD: *Sniff* What's that smell?
Lilz: I don't know.
Suddenly WD saw an orange flame grow from the ground of her back garden. Someone was there.
Lilz: Someone's out there! Quickly, see who it is!
WD: Omg!
Limping still, WD went outside to see who this stranger was. While holding a baseball bat.
WD: H-hello?
Rhys: Oh, it's you. Never knew you'd be back home
WD: Well...Of course I am, this is my own house. And you've just b-broken in like it's you're own property
Rhys: Why shouldn't I? You haven't got long left anyway
WD: How dare you....Wait, what time is it?
Rhys: 11:55pm. You got 5 minutes before she arrives, and there's nothing you can do about it
WD: You got the bones, right?
Rhys: Obviously, who else would wanna take some old pile of bones anyways?
WD: P-please Rhys, can you burn them for me?
Rhys: Hm, I have got the fire ready but...I didn't really like how you girls treated me the other day, especially Metab. I mean, look at my hand! You really call that friendship?
WD: Jesus Christ just burn them before it's too late!!
Slowly, Rhys picked up the bag of bones and held them up in the air
Rhys: I don't like your tone. See, I could burn these bones...
Instantly, he chucked the bag right over the hedge so that WD couldn't get them

The Ring - A Sidegirl's story
ParanormalSo, basically you all have heard of that horror film, The Ring. And you've obviously heard of TLS. Why not mix them up a little bit? It starts off as the girls deciding what to do for the weekend, WD comes up with a plan that they would stay at her...