Midnight Music

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“Come on,” Celia urged.

“Slow down, I’m not use to walking.” Celia grabbed Samantha by the hand and dragged the older and unhappy girl forward. “Celia!” Samantha hissed. “That is not a good idea right now. I might fall.”

“I’ll catch,” Celia assured her. Samantha wasn’t sure if Celia was capable of supporting herself much less catch her should she fell. As far as Samantha was concerned the only one who would break her fall was the floor.

“Where are you taking me?” Celia had woken Samantha up from a nightmare and then decided to take her on a late night stroll to only God knew where. She hadn’t said where they were going, only that Samantha wasn't going fast enough. Frankly, Samantha would like to see Celia spend a year or two bed and chair bound with a severe leg injury and see how strong her legs were at the end of it.

“Almost there!” she whispered. Her eyes were bright with excitement but Samantha’s were heavy with worry and sleep deprivation. Samantha often wondered why she put up with her companions eccentric, especially when the threat of the isolation room or whatever punishment the good doctor could cook up hung in the balance.

“Slow down,” Samantha whispered. Her leg was pulsing with pain as she limped behind her excited friend and scrambled to match her pace, being dragged by the hand was not helping either. Celia turned the corner and slowed her walk to a halt. They stood in front of a large set of doors that looked distinctly like the type of door should not be entered or risk negative consequences, but most importantly, it was very much locked. Samantha jiggled the doorknob but it refused to yield. “Locked, unless you’re hiding a key somewhere in your dress I suggest we go--”

Celia started to gag. She bent in half and pressed a hand over her mouth.

“Dear lord,” Samantha groaned. There was something disturbing about the fact that she was becoming accustom to the people around her spontaneously becoming sick. She rubbed circles into Celia’s back and prayed no one heard her. So far there wasn’t a soul in sight but trouble had a way of showing up when it was most compromising. “Shh,” Samantha whispered. “You’re going to get us caught.” While Celia’s fit was distressing, the prospect of the both of them being packed nude into a tight room with no food and limited water was even more distressing.

Celia stopped gagging and swiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Saliva dripped from her palm and a small, shiny key was wrapped in her fingers. She had swallowed the key and induced a coughing fit to bring it back to the surface. Samantha didn’t know whether to be impressed or concerned over her companions eating choices and the obvious choking hazard that was associated with swallowing and regurgitating keys.

“Are you okay?” Samantha asked.

“Got it.” Celia put the key in the lock and the tumblers crashed into place as she turned it. Samantha was sure an army of nurses were about to come charging down the hall.

“Quiet,” Samantha whispered. Celia smiled and tapped Samantha on the nose.

“Worry to much,” she teased. Samantha frowned and waved Celia’s hand away. She had every right to worry and one of them had to be the sensible one.

“Hurry and get in,” Samantha pestered. She opened the door and pushed Celia in before anyone could stumble upon them out of bed. The room was fairly large and without windows and while it was not warmer, it was a bit less cold. A fine dust floated in the air of years of disuse and poor air circulation. The ceiling was coffered and the walls were round, turning the room into a circle. For the most part the room was bare with the exceptions of a few overturned chairs, some leather instrument cases, and a piano. “Is this some kind of music room?” Samantha asked.

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