Youtube prank/surprise

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Angie's P.O.V.-Hey guys it's me again so today I'm going to be pranking Shawn today but their will be a twist of a surprise. So I'm going to be pranking him by telling him I'm pregnant with twins and he's not the father. So here's the surprise twist I am pregnant with twins and yes he's the father. I'm about two months along and I only told my mom, Shawn's mom and my best friend. So I'm going to get a ultra-sound again with my best friend and I'm super excited. So I'm going to turn of the camera right now so I can drive brb babies. Hey guys I'm done my ultra-sound and my babies are good and healthy as ever. Bri say hi to YouTube loser. Sup guys I'm going to be a god mother I'm so exited. *giggles* okay so I'm on my way home but first I have to drop off Brianna and then I'm gonna prank him.
Home: whispers- Hey guys Shawn just got home and he went into the shower so I'm nervous and really scared how this is going to turn out so I'm going to place the camera and wait.
Babe are you done your shower?
Yea I am princess what's up?
Okay come in our room we need to talk. *looks at the camera saying I'm scared*
What's up babe? *walks in shirtless*
Okay please sit down please.
What's wrong why do you look like your ready to cry?
Okay I'm just gonna say it okay but I really love you and I don't want anything to change please.
What are you saying?
Okay so remember 2 or 3 months ago you were on tour and you were coming back?
Yea ?
Okay well I went clubbing with Brianna and Camila because I was really bored and I wanted to go out.
Okay and ?
I got really drunk and I don't know what was happening.
Did you cheat on me Angelica ?
Yes Shawn and I'm pregnant with twins. *starts to cry*
Are you fucking joking Angelica?
No Shawn I'm sorry baby please *starts to laugh*
What's fucking funny here huh?
Baby I'm sorry this is a prank I couldn't help it I have to laugh.
This isn't funny Angie I don't like when you prank me.
Okay I'm sorry but this isn't a prank what I'm going to say I'm pregnant with twins your pull out game was weak babe
Your lying?
No I'm not look at the test I had an ultra-sound as well
How far along?
Two months
Who's knows?
Your mom my mom and Brianna
Baby your joking right my baby is having my babies ?
*starts to tear up* yes baby
Shawn starts to pick me up as kisses me all over my face and neck. I run and grab the camera and he starts to giggle guys my queen is having my babies I'm so excited. Shawn starts to rub my stomach and kiss it while I giggle

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